Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,86

table piled high with food.

I spotted Nick, the tallest person in the auditorium, immediately. He stood, arms crossed, scowling at the suits in a semi-circle around him. I forced my eyes away from the tousled hair, the close fit of his jeans, the stretch of his white dress shirt over well-defined traps, the furry forearms.

Damn. Since when did fur do it for me?

If I’d thought I was in danger before meeting at the coffee shop with Nick last night, I was only sinking into quicksand now. True, there was still the issue of Nick’s abrupt disappearance all those years ago to reconcile. Knowing, believing he hadn’t cheated? Well, it changed everything. The information slowly eroded my defenses and left my traitorous imagination free to riot with scenarios I had no business entertaining.

It didn’t help that Nick was every sexual fantasy I’d ever had personified, right now.

I needed to give my vagina a full name. I’d need to use her first, middle, and last names when I finally addressed her about the Nick-induced slobbering.

I’d intended to skirt around all the activity and find the designated observation space in peace when a familiar voice sounded behind me.

“Zora! There you are!”

Nellie. Because that’s all this situation needed, right?

“Here I am,” I said dryly, forcing the ends of my mouth upwards. “And there you are. Isn’t this great? We both know each other’s locations. Guess our eyes are in perfect working order, huh?”

God, that was bitchy. What was wrong with me? Let her draw blood first, Zora. Sheath your claws.

Her smile faltered and she frowned. “Okay. We’ll I’m glad you made it in today.”

I didn’t miss the mild censure in her voice. Yep, that was the Nellie I knew. I kept my expression serene. “It’s good to be here.”

“What was it, again, that you and Mr. Rossi were doing the other day?”

“Important things.” I made my voice deliberately brisk. “Which I’m sure you don’t have time to hear about, what with all the little details and everything that could go wrong.”

She darted an anxious look over her shoulder. “I think Marketing has everything well in hand—”

“Yes, but’s like you always say. ‘Every impression matters when a sizable donation is on the line.’” I gave her Ellie Leffersbee’s trademarked “I’m-Smiling-But-You-Best-Back-The-Hell-Up” smile.

She stepped back. “Alright then. I’ll see you at the break?”

“Yep, sounds good.” I’d just made it through the auditorium and rounded the corner when I felt a hand on my arm.


And of course.


Who was now—Queen Beyoncé, please help me—sporting a full-grown beard.

All that ink-black facial hair made his vivid green eyes glow in contrast. It emphasized the sculpted planes of his face, the high cheek bones, the full lips.

I wanted the insides of my thighs to get a chance at this view.

Don’t stare.

“Yeah?” I made my voice neutral.

His gaze moved over my face, then hung heavy at my mouth. “You look good. Amazing, actually. You got some sleep.”

Yep. The facial, massage, and $150 haircut I’d gotten the other day hadn’t hurt, nor did the cute black surplice dress that handily straddled both the professional and sexy domains. I was looking good, feeling good, and hopefully ready for whatever came my way.

Unfortunately, sleep had the unintended consequence of revving up my hormones. Dear God, had Nick always looked this sexy up close?

“I did, thanks. You look better too.” And he did. Still tired, for sure, but lighter somehow. Freer. I wondered if he’d had a positive development with his work.

We stood there nodding like idiots, staring at each other. He still hadn’t moved his hand from my arm.

“Listen,” he said, his voice pitched low. I leaned dangerously closer to hear him, just as he probably intended. He didn’t step back; in fact, he moved forward until I was mere inches away. “We got distracted yesterday, with Walker and all, and you didn’t seem much for talking after that. But I need us to talk again. Today. It’s important.”

He threw a look over his shoulder into the gym, then led me farther around the corner. We settled against the cool tiled wall. I was trapped in his gaze, unable to move as he edged even closer.

“There’s more that needs to be said. There’s things I need to tell you.”

Jesus, there was more?

He glanced over my shoulder. I turned to see what held his attention.

We’d turned out of the auditorium’s double doors and into the atrium of the building. His attention was riveted to the massive bulletin board where community members advertised baby-sitting services, posted fliers for Copyright 2016 - 2024