Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,38

easy for him. And you’re not going to play noble and pretend-dump me from our pretend-relationship while he’s circling. I need to get my eyes on him, get a feel for him. What time is your flight to New York tomorrow?”

“Takes off at four p.m. But listen, Nick and I, we’re not going to spend any significant time together, let alone battle. I’m there to do a job, then I’m done with seeing him ever again.” At least, I hoped so.

“You’re smarter than that, doc. Listen. I’m a man. I hunt. Nick didn’t come all this way for a stroll down memory lane. He’s after something. And I’d guess you’re the trophy buck.”

“That’s a sick analogy. Should I be flattered if I catch an arrow in the heart?”

He studied his hands in glow of the lantern. “We can’t know who he is now, after all this time. And I’m not letting him anywhere near you when I don’t know his intentions. So, as far as you or anyone else is concerned right now, we’re together. Until we sort things out or he’s gone. Got it?”

Warmth filled my chest. “I love you, Jackson James. You’re a good friend.”

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his gaze warm on my face. “I love you, too, Zora. And I know we’re just friends. Fact is, even though I loved watching you crawl over here and I can’t wait to watch you crawl back, and as good as I think we could be, I would never want to lose your friendship.” He nodded to the minimal distance between us. “What we have right here, means a lot to me. There aren’t many people I could just unload with like I can with you, you know?”

I relaxed into his side. “I do know that. And you know I’m always here for you.”

“I do. And one more thing.”


He took his time answering, studying the sky. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking about that baby, and Nick—his history, momma, and childhood. But it’s not the same. Not everything can be fixed or saved. Sometimes, when you try to help a hurt bear out of a trap, he doesn’t thank you. He bites.”

Chapter Nine


“Tell me everything. And I mean everything.” Leigh’s voice blared though the speakerphone, filling the tomb-like silence of the hotel room. I held my phone chin-level as I peered over the balcony railing, staggered by the astonishing view of midtown Manhattan. From my fourteenth-floor perch, Central Park stretched below me as an endless green canopy. Angry traffic noises drifted up to the open window. It was stunning, and what had to be the best view in the entire world. I’d rolled my eyes when Leigh dropped me off at the airport with strict orders to call her as soon as I arrived. “Yes, Mother,” I’d sing-songed. But now I was strangely happy to hear her demanding voice.

Considering the task ahead, I was also less confident.

“Tell me again why you turned down a trip in a private plane?”

I sank into the plush upholstery of the nearby armchair. “Flying in Nick’s private plane increased the likelihood of a private conversation.”

She was silent for a beat, then ventured: “So, you’re afraid of being alone with him?”

My fingertips blindly traced the embroidery of the chair’s upholstered arm. “I don’t trust myself. It’s different. He’s different. But he’s also still very familiar. My reasoning and my feelings aren’t talking to each other. So I can’t decide if I want to run or—”

“Fuck his brains out?”


“Sorry, sorry. I’m projecting. He’s evil, but he’s sexy as hell. Listen, don’t be nervous. You’re there to do a job, and you’re fantastic at what you do. If you focus on that part, maybe the rest of the hard stuff will fade into the background.”

“That’s . . . actually decent advice.”

“Don’t sound so surprised. And if you’d read any of the books I’ve passed along, you’d have an idea of what to expect.”

“I don’t have time for bodice rippers.”

“Romance novels are a guide to life. I’ve read enough of the ‘millionaire boyfriend resurfaces’ trope to know what’s next.”

“Enlighten me, then.”

It was impossible to miss the undercurrent of excitement in her voice. “First of all, expect this guy to be four steps ahead of you at all times. It’s precisely that kind of cunning that made them millionaires in the first place.”

“Oh, of course.” I rolled my eyes.

“Next, he’s going to lean hard on the nostalgia, really go out of his way to Copyright 2016 - 2024