Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,31

staff? To my research team? “HCAHPS are administered to recently discharged patients. Inpatient,” I said firmly. “The interactions on the app would not take place on an inpatient basis. This would not affect our patient satisfaction scores.”

Allie shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, Zora. I hear all the time from our docs and nurses about how patients see a number of different clinicians during a hospital stay, and despite the survey emphasizing who should be rated, if they’re upset about something, they might ding the wrong person. If we’re agreeing to let other docs treat our patients, whether it’s impatient or not, they need to receive the same communication training our docs received in-house. In our patient’s minds, it’ll all be the same system. And in a sense, they’d be right. If a doc interacts with our patients on behalf of Knoxville Community Hospital, they’re representing us.” She shook her head again. “They have to be trained.”

“I’m so glad you agree,” Gould said smoothly. Mentally, I threw my pen at the smug smile he aimed my way. “I think we’re all in agreement here.”

More murmurs from the other side of the table.

My phone vibrated again. Allie’s newest text featured a meme of a stick figure being chased and eventually run over by a school bus, its guts smeared around the broken lines. I’m sorry, her text read.

I ignored whatever she was now mouthing to me from across the table.

“We want this done before we close the deal,” Gould said, and inwardly, I screamed. “Which means soon.”

“How soon?” I couldn’t pretend I didn’t know where this was going, but I wanted specifics as soon as possible.

“We’re prepared to give you whatever resources you may need to help with this request. Mr. Rossi has generously agreed to pay you, and anyone who assists, a consulting fee.”

I shook my head. This was an instance where I didn’t care how much cash was being dangled about. It was Nick’s money. I didn’t want it. And besides, I doubted Nick Rossi would agree to pay the salaries of my entire research staff.

“How long?”

He let out a breath. “We’ll see. Let’s see how it goes. There’s an immediate trip to New York involved, and who knows how long that’ll be. Fridays are slow clinic days and Mr. Rossi has somehow corralled the folks on his end with hardly any notice, God knows how.” I bit back my frustration at the admiration I heard in his voice. “He’s prepared to take on any and all costs. But we need you there to ensure their trainers grasp the material and are prepared to train others the right way.”

Seven faces all turned toward me. The room grew deathly quiet.

Gould and I eyed each other.

I’d taught others how to use silence strategically. There was no way he was winning this game.

He broke the silence first. “Whatever you need,” he repeated. “I don’t think I need to tell you how important this is for the hospital.”

“We should talk in private,” I said, finally. I sat back to signal an end to the conversation. “I’m afraid I can’t make a commitment at this moment.”

Out of the corner of my eye, Allie’s eyes grew huge in her head.

Gould didn’t break eye contact with me when he addressed the room at large. “Thanks everyone for coming today. I think we’ve all got a good sense of the matter at hand. I’d appreciate it if you gave us the room.”

I listened as chairs pushed back from the table, scraped along the hardwood floors. Oooh. You in trouble, Allie mouthed to me behind Peter before disappearing. Discreet, parting murmurs reached us as everyone else silently filed out of the door.

Gould waited until the door closed again before he spoke. He sat back, mirroring my defensive position.

“I know I’ve just sprung this on you, and it’s not the first thing we’ve dropped in your lap over the last few days,” he admitted.

I said nothing.

“Just tell me: What will it take to make you say yes?”

I met his gaze squarely. “There is nothing you can say.”

There was also nothing I could do to save myself, but I wasn’t about to admit that to him.

“I know you understand how time-sensitive this is. I’m willing to give you any resources you need, any faculty you need to take with you. I’ll make it work. And Mr. Rossi is prepared to compensate you and anyone else you bring along very handsomely.”

If there was one thing that pissed me off, it was Copyright 2016 - 2024