Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,142


Nick loved to tease that I was excited to give away his money. He was only half-right. I was excited to live out my life’s purpose with my best friend. And if his money helped lots of people, well, we were both more than okay with that.

Right now, though, I was counting down the minutes until I could be alone with Nick.

I rested a hand on his leg, let the edge of my nails tease the inside of his thigh.

He caught my hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

“Nuh-uh. Whose idea was it to go without sex again, right before the wedding?”


“You know the deal. Not till we’re back at the house.”

I threw him a glance. “You are so not gonna last that long.”

His cheek lifted in a smile. “You’re right. No underwear allowed in the car.”

My heart quickened. “Promise?”

He slid me a significant look. “Oh, I do.”

“You think anything’s going to come of Eddie chasing Leigh?”

I glanced over at our seated wedding party. Our best man and maid of honor sat next to each other, heads crowded together, talking. Eddie looked earnest, alit with joy, eager.

Leigh looked like a disinterested cat toying with a mouse.

Poor Eddie.

“Look this way!” We both turned to find my mother and Nan standing together, phones aimed at us. “Smile!”

We obliged them and they hustled over.

“You really won’t tell me where y’all are going for the honeymoon?” My mother aimed a narrow look at Nick. “And you’re gonna be gone for a whole month?”

I smiled at my mother. She’d been a little deflated since learning we planned to split our time between Green Valley, New York, and San Francisco.

She’d cheered up a bit when Nick promised we’d visit often, and that he’d send the plane for her whenever she wanted to be with us.

“Nope,” Nick said in response to her question. “We’ll send you a note when we arrive at each new place. You’ll be surprised just like Zora.”

Aunt Nan slapped at my mother’s wrist.

These two had turned into quite the comedy duo.

“Ellie, would you leave these kids alone? Let them do what they need to do. We need grandbabies!”

My mother nodded back. “You’re right, Nan.” She gave me a sly smile. “Have fun on your honeymoon, baby girl. Now that you’re married, I can tell you a Leffersbee secret: the sweetest nectar—”

“No.” I widened my eyes at her. “Just . . . no.”

She waved a hand at me, laughing, and Nan pulled her off to engage in other mischief.


I looked at my husband.

Wow. I had a husband.

Nick looked shell-shocked. “I think your mom might be kind of kinky.”

I punched his arm.

“No, I’m just saying. Find out what she was going to tell you. Then tell me.”

We laughed, and I realized my bladder was in danger of bursting. Nick helped me pull the enormous bustle out of the chair and set me on course to the bathroom.

“You need help?”

I pulled him down to plant a kiss on his whiskered chin. “I’ve got this. You don’t need to follow me into the ladies’ room.”

He looked over at the now empty wedding party table. “I was gonna see if we could ask Leigh, but she’s gone.”

Along with Eddie, I noticed.

“I’ve got it.” I made it a few steps, responded to well-wishers along the way, bladder clenching, and just caught a glimpse of Leigh and Eddie slipping around the corner ahead, past the bathrooms, into a rarely used storeroom.


I made into the bathroom. Right before the door closed, I caught sight of Walker following them into the storeroom, his face set.


That’s grown folks’ business, Zora.

I managed the heft of silk and tulle through all my ablutions, then headed out. I opened the bathroom door and immediately recognized Eddie’s retreating back ahead of me as he returned to the auditorium.

Had Walker chased Eddie away? What was his problem? Leigh was single and Walker definitely had other prospects, not to mention zero desire to settle down. I loved my brother, but my best friend had been through far too much to be a victim of my brother’s carelessness.

To my left, glass crashed in the adjoining storeroom.

Raised voices came from the other side of door. Leigh’s voice was tight with . . . was that worry? Panic?

I rushed over and threw open the door.

Walker laid on the bare wooden floor. Splintered glass and liquid glittered by his head. Leigh straddled him in her copper dress, one arm planted above his head, her face inches from his. Tendrils of her Copyright 2016 - 2024