Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,126

shoulder at me—

Shit. It was early, but maybe there weren’t that many people around . . . I cast a hasty look up and down the halls before heading in her office and pulling the door closed behind me.

Zora wasn’t quiet, but we could probably find a way around that.

She looked up at the sound of the door closing. The hugest grin spread across her face as she turned to face me.

I heard the thud my heart made as it fell.

Fuck. I fucking loved her.

There had to be a way to make this work.

“Hey, you.” She bit her lip as her gaze ran from my feet and then back up again. I wondered if her thoughts had also taken a turn into Naughtyville. “You’re looking mighty official. Big meeting this afternoon?”

“Yeah. Focus group with the docs went well.”

“How are things going? I’m sorry I haven’t been very helpful.”

“It’s okay. We’ve got it.” I came closer, fighting against a rising tide of guilt, trying not to stare at her mouth for too long. “Everything’s fine. How’re things on your end?”

She frowned, pushing back from her desk. “Don’t ask.”

I hesitated. “Literally? Or—”

“Literally.” She stood, sexiness personified in jeans and a T-shirt that read, Have You Hugged a Communication Major Today? I took inventory of the stress lines between her brows, the pinched twist to her mouth. I’d get it out of her later, in bed, when she was relaxed and less likely to resist.

“No, but I’d like to.” Seeing her head shake in confusion, I pointed to the slogan on her shirt. Have You was delightfully stretched.

Jesus, Nick, get your cock under control.

Her lips curved into an expression I’d become more and more acquainted with. The Hungry Zora look.

“I’d like that, too. I can never pass up a handsome man in a sexy suit.” She stepped into my space, wound her hands past my suit coat and around my waist. I lowered my head, taking in the fruity fragrance of her hair as the strands tickled my nose. Then, without fail, my mouth slid against hers as I coaxed her to share her taste.

I walked her backwards until the backs of her legs hit the desk, then lifted her to its surface.

Her mouth never left mine, even as she moaned in the way that drove me crazy.

“We’ve gotta be quiet,” I warned, my hand now full of the heft of her breast, thumb circling her nipple. When her hand wandered down to my zipper I groaned. I wondered if I could take my own advice.

I slid a hand against her skin of her stomach, impatient with the barriers of her shirt and bra. I wanted the heat of her softness spilling out of my hand. I wanted the sweetness of her flesh in my mouth.

Zora’s fingertips had just, finally, thank God, hurried up and walked past my fly when a sharp knock sounded on the door.

She reacted as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over her head, pulling her mouth and hand away simultaneously.

“Can we ignore them?”

She looked as disappointed as I felt. “No.”

“No, don’t put that away,” I said, watching as she readjusted her bra. “I’ll do it. I’ll make them go.”

She shook her head, pushing past me to slide off the desk. “Really? You’re going to answer the door with that erection?”

The whole world was a cockblock. First Jackson James, now whoever was on the other side of that door.

I watched as she collected herself, then strode to the door where she cracked it open the barest sliver.

I didn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but her response was clear. “Oh, it’s time, isn’t it? We’ll be right down.”

She turned back to me with a sigh, running a hand over her forehead. “Nick. You are going to be the death of me.”

I willed my dick to accept defeat.

“You promise?”

“Get yourself together. We have to go.”

Ten minutes later we made our way down the hallway. She’d still refused to tell me where we were going, which raised my hackles a bit.

When we reached the conference room, I was on full alert.

The last thing I’d expected to find was a room of middle-aged women sitting around the kidney-shaped conference room. I looked to Zora and found her gaze on me, her eyes wide as she gestured for me to proceed into the conference room.

What the hell was this?

“Hi, Nick,” one of the gray-haired women said, smiling wide. I studied her, head tilted, trying to place her face, that Copyright 2016 - 2024