Becoming Kim Jong Un - Jung H. Pak Page 0,121

tailor-made”: Sanger, Perfect Weapon, 136.

Just a few months before: U.S. Congress, House Committee on Armed Services, “Statement of General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Commander, United Nations Command; Commander, United States–Republic of Korea Combined Forces Command, United States Forces Korea,” 113th Congress, 2nd sess., April 2, 2014,​meetings/​AS/​AS00/​20140402/​101985/​HHRG-113-AS00-Wstate-ScaparrottiUSAC-20140402.pdf.

His warnings about: Aaron Boyd, “DNI Clapper: Cyber Bigger Threat Than Terrorism,” Federal Times, February 4, 2016.

Citing Kim Heung-kwang: David Sanger, David Kirkpatrick, and Nicole Perlroth, “The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More,” NYT, October 15, 2017.

“Cyberwarfare, along with nuclear weapons”: Ibid.

Kim has deployed: Matthew Ha and David Maxwell, “Kim Jong-un’s ‘All-Purpose Sword’: North Korean Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare,” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, October 2018,​analysis/​2018/​10/​03/​kim-jong-uns-all-purpose-sword/.

Kim has also focused: Ibid.

South Korean officials: Emma Chanlett-Avery, Liana Rosen, John Rollins, and Catherine Theohary, “North Korean Cyber Capabilities: In Brief,” Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, R44912, August 3, 2017,​sgp/​crs/​row/​R44912.pdf.

In 2011, North Korea: Ha and Maxwell, “Kim Jong-un’s ‘All-Purpose Sword.’ ”

It deleted credit card: Ibid.

In 2016, Kim’s attacks: “$81 Million Bangladesh Bank Heist Sparks Push for Stepped-Up Cybersecurity,” NPR, May 24, 2016.

The U.S. National Security Agency: Chanlett-Avery et al., “North Korean Cyber Capabilities.”

In addition to the Bangladesh heist: “North Korean Hackers Blamed for a Wave of Cyberattacks on Banks,” SCMP, October 3, 2018.

It stated that North Korea: Ha and Maxwell, “Kim Jong-un’s ‘All-Purpose Sword.’ ”

Furthermore, in December 2017: Ibid.

The White House homeland security adviser: Ellen Nakashima and Philip Rucker, “U.S. Declares North Korea Carried Out Massive WannaCry Cyberattack,” WP, December 19, 2017.

As detailed in an August 2019 U.N. report: United Nations, Report of the Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Resolution 1874 (2009), August 30, 2019.

One of the perks: Laya Maheshwari, “Pizzas, Pony Rides and Dolphin Shows: Balms for North Korea’s Elite,” NYT, October 25, 2016; Alexander Walter, “ ‘Pyongyang Speed’: North Korea Miraculously Cranks Out Massive Residential Development for Scientists in Only One Year,” Archinect News, December 18, 2015.

Nat Kretchun, an expert: Author exchange with Nat Kretchun, February 18, 2019.

In January 2016: James Griffiths, “Inside North Korea: High-Tech Science Center Lauds Nuclear Advances,” CNN, January 8, 2016.

Enticed by inducements: Sung-hui Moon, “More North Koreans Become Scientists to Reap Privileges from the Regime,” Radio Free Asia, May 18, 2017.

Regime propaganda regularly features: Luke Dormehl, “Kim Jong-Un Sure Looks Happy with His MacBook Pro,” Cult of Mac, February 15, 2016.

As InterMedia, a Washington-based: Nat Kretchun, Catherine Lee, and Seamus Tuohy, “Compromising Connectivity: Information Dynamics between the State and Society in a Digitizing North Korea,” February 2017,​wp-content/​uploads/​2017/​02/​Compromising-Connectivity-Final-Report_Soft-Copy.pdf [inactive].

InterMedia found in 2012: Nat Kretchun and Jane Kim, “A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment,” May 2012,​wp-content/​uploads/​2013/​05/​A_Quiet_Opening_FINAL_InterMedia.pdf [inactive].

According to a UNICEF study: UNICEF, “Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2017 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” June 2018, 7,​eap/​sites/​​files/​2018-06/​2017%20DPRK%20MICS%20Survey%20Findings%20Report_July%202018.pdf.

Based on his research of the borderland: Lankov, Real North Korea, 105.

The cell phones and tablets: Recorded Future, “North Korea Cyber Activity,” July 25, 2017,​hubfs/​reports/​north-korea-activity.pdf.

A New York Times reporter: Maheshwari, “Pizza, Pony Rides and Dolphin Shows.”

The journalists Daniel Tudor and James Pearson: Tudor and Pearson, North Korea Confidential, 148–49.

UNICEF found that: UNICEF, “Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2017 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” 7.

Suki Kim, who taught: Kim, Without You, There Is No Us, 170.

Martyn Williams, a technology specialist: Martyn Williams, “How the Internet Works in North Korea,” Slate, November 28, 2016.

In 2016, North Korea had: Rebecca Hersher, “North Korea Accidentally Reveals It Only Has 28 Websites,” NPR, September 21, 2016; Eric Talmadge, “Only If It Serves the State: North Korea’s Online Experience,” AP, November 9, 2017.

“It’s no Netflix”: Williams, “How the Internet Works in North Korea.”

The regime in recent years: Eric Talmadge, “Online Shopping Has Arrived in North Korea,” AP, May 6, 2015.

Kretchun observes: Author exchange with Nat Kretchun, February 18, 2019.

An even smaller number of North Koreans: Recorded Future, “North Korea Cyber Activity.”

The Korea Computer Center: U.S. Department of State, “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2018 Human Rights Report,”​wp-content/​uploads/​2019/​03/​DEMOCRATIC-PEOPLE%E2%80%99S-REPUBLIC-OF-KOREA.pdf.

While the West has touted: Peter W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking, LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018), 103.


It is the morning: “CCTV Footage Appears to Show Attack on Kim Jong-nam,” The Guardian, February 19, 2017,​global/​video/​2017/​feb/​20/​kim-jong-nam-killing-cctv-footage-appears-to-show-attack-on-north-korean. Includes video acquired by Fuji News Network.

He is wearing: James Pomfret, “Kim Jong Un’s Murdered Half Brother Lived Quiet, Open Life in Macau,” Reuters, February 16, 2017.

As the VX seeps into his body: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Facts about VX,” last modified April 4, 2018,​agent/​vx/​basics/​facts.asp.

One of the Malaysian doctors: “Doctor: Kim Jong Nam’s Underwear Soiled, Pupils Copyright 2016 - 2024