Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,62

literally. His arm and leg are in casts. There are wounds on his back that he won’t tell me where they came from. Not only does he look like someone put cigarettes out on his back and belly, but they might well have used his mouth as an ashtray too.”

“Oh, Jonas. Those poor children. My heart hurts for them. Where is this monster that did this to them?” He told her that he was taken care of. “The mother? What is her role in all of this?”

“Margo is a junkie and a whore. When the kids were being taken care of by their father while she was in jail, this was done to them. Margo is aware that he’s hurt them, but not to what extent. She’s not ever going to get them unless she kills me first.” Mom, his wonderful mom, said she wasn’t getting them over her dead body either. “I’m sorry to have sprung this on you like this. The kids have been in my care for a few weeks now. I didn’t want to involve you guys, as you all seem to be busy with other stuff. But I’m so glad that Dawson told me I needed help. I think I have known that for a while now but was too stupid to ask for it.”

“You’re never stupid for helping out someone that needs it, Jonas. Never forget that. You needed to figure it out on your own that you needed us. I hope the next time you save a family, you remember to let us help you. All right, son, Thatcher and your dad are on the way with the van.” He thanked her again. “I’m making some chicken and dumplings for the little ones. If you’d join us for dinner, we can sort things out.”

“All right, Mom. Thank you so much.” Mom told him she’d see him soon, and he hung up the phone. The knock at the door had him telling everyone to be quiet. He looked out the peephole and saw the police there. Opening the door, he was surprised when they asked him if he was Jonas Robinson. “I am. What’s happened?”

“Cindy James, she works for you?” He said that she did. “I’m sorry to tell you, sir, but she was killed yesterday. It took us until today to figure out who she was. I’m afraid that whoever killed her, they didn’t take care for us to be able to identify her easily. She was torn up badly, and it was difficult to even see that she was a female when they were finished.”

“How did you know to find me here?” The other officer handed him a cell phone in an evidence bag. It was covered in blood, and the screen was broken. His picture was there, as well as his phone number. She called him boss and nothing more. “That still doesn’t tell me how this led you to here.”

“Agent Rogen Robinson, she’s your sister-in-law? After it was put on the news with your picture, she called us. She also took the news program off the air. I don’t know how she was able to do that, but she said you were to be contacted in person.” Jonas owed her for that. “She gave us the address where the phone was last used. You sure do have some good people in your corner, young man.”

“I do.” His dad and brother showed up then, and he told them what was going on. “I’m taking the children to my family’s home. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t put this address or my name anywhere it can be traced.”

“Agent Robinson said that she’d have our asses for lunch if we even wrote a note about a thing that we’ve done today. I believe her too.” Jonas said he was smart in that. “We’re also to assist you in any way you need. Again without making any notes. She sure is intense, isn’t she?”

“You have no idea.”

The officers helped them bundle up the children as well as pack up their clothing. Jonas contacted Rogen as he was in the bathroom gathering up toothbrushes and such. How much do I owe you for saving my ass?

I’ll have to give that some thought. I do want to tell you that your Cindy didn’t go easy. She suffered more than I’ve seen in a long time. Since they didn’t find you there, I can only assume that she didn’t tell whoever took her anything. By the way, Copyright 2016 - 2024