Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,52


The place was packed. Allie didn’t want to know what she’d had to do to get them a table. Rogen had told her that the Chicken Lombardy was her favorite thing on the menu. Allie tried not to be shocked by the prices. She looked up at Beck when he said her name.

“It’s fine, you know. We can afford this and more if you want.” She nodded. “No, don’t just do that. I would never lie to you. We have money, the two of us. A great deal of it that we can spend however we want. Both of us have good jobs too, so it’s not like we’re just living off what we have. I promise you, love, we have plenty enough for this dinner.”

“I’m trying to get that ‘not looking at the price tag’ mentality that Rogen told me I need to adapt to. She said that even if we didn’t have a considerable bank account, we still have money elsewhere.” He said that was right. “I know. But after having nothing my entire life, suddenly having it takes a little getting used to.”

“I can imagine that. I know you won’t go crazy with spending money, and it is good to look at a price tag, but I can understand what she means.” Allie said she could as well. “So, get whatever you want from the menu, and then maybe, after, you might get lucky.”

“You know I’ve been lucky several times a day, don’t you? There are times when I swear to you I think you go out and drink some magical potion that makes you want me again.” He told her it was only his love for her. “Thank you. That was sweet. I love you.”

Dinner was wonderful. Not only did they try several appetizers, but they also shared three meals. Being tigers made them both hungry more often, as well as making their appetites bigger. It made for some strange looks at times, but that was something else she was getting used to. Ignoring people and their looking at her.

After dinner, they walked around the town. Window shopping with someone was a good deal more fun than shopping alone. As usual, their conversation steered back to the kids and how much they wanted them both to be happy with them.

Her cell was ringing just as they were getting an ice cream cone at the creamery. It was Rogen.

“I know you didn’t want to be disturbed tonight, but I knew you’d want this news. When the police went to talk to Mr. Grant and look at his car, he confessed. Not only had he hit the boy, but he had dragged him to his parents’ driveway after he’d done it. I guess he couldn’t get anyone to fix his car because it had blood on it.” Allie asked her what would happen now. “I would imagine that you pick up more work now that word is out that you can find murderers with nothing more than a police report. I’m very proud of you. That really was a good find for you.”

“I had Beck with me, so he gets some credit too.” She laughed, and Rogen snorted. “I do have two more that I’m working on now. It’s sort of fun, I have to admit. To take a crime scene and make it more real. Thank you for all the stuff to make it work.”

“It has helped us all out. Now the police department in Nevada owes us one. Not that I didn’t charge them for the job you did for them, but also, they’ll remember this was a solid circumstance of where a case was closed. You did good, my dear, and we’re making connections on an entirely new level for us to tap into.” Allie told her she thought that would help. “It does. All right. I’ll let you go. I do hope he’s taking good care of you. You’re much too stressed all the time as it is.”

“That put a feather in your cap, I’m thinking.” She nodded at Beck as they had their treat. “I hate to bring this up now, but I have another trip next week. I don’t know how long it will take me to get it taken care of, but at least a week. Will you be all right?”

“Yes. If you mean with the kids, then double yes. I’m having so much fun being a mom to them.” Beck told her he could tell. “Good. Also, I think your Copyright 2016 - 2024