Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,50

and her brother had everything and anything that they needed. Even Conor had himself a job, picking up the sticks that had fallen out of the trees last week. It wasn’t even a just do it job, he told her. He was getting paid real money and not just promised. The Robinsons told him that picking up the sticks and piling them up meant that an animal or two could either use the pile in the winter months or take some of them to his home to make it stronger.

“Beck said that the entire ecosystem depends on all of us doing our part so that everything in the next part will have what they need to make the next part of the circle work. I never knew that so much depended on me just picking up sticks in the yard, did you?” Holly had told him that she’d read it once in a book. “I’m learning so much from Beck and Allie. I hope we get to stay long enough that we can learn more stuff.”

It hadn’t occurred to either of them that this would be long term. That they could be there forever, as Allie had been telling her. Neither Allie nor Beck included them in things just to make themselves look good, but they asked them what they wanted to do. Like today.

When Anna joined her again, Renee was awake and jabbering to her sister. Eddie was joining them some, and Holly thought it was adorable. She still couldn’t believe these kids weren’t Anna’s real kids. No one seemed to care.

“I don’t know what to do about this.” Anna asked her what she wanted to do. “Be in this family. To be able to stay here forever. I don’t want to leave here, ever. I like having food all the time when I want it. And a warm bed. Last night, it was so wonderful to be able to get into bed and know that no one would bother me there. That I could even, if I wanted, stay up later so long as I knew I’d have to get up early for school. No one has ever done things like that for us.”

“Do you want to stay with them for the things they do for you, Holly? It’s all right if that’s what you want. But I hope you’ll also open your heart to love us as much as we already do you.” Holly asked her if she really loved her. “Yes. Of course. You’re a very sweet girl. You’ve been hurt; I understand that too. But no one here will harm you in anyway.”

“They said that they’d die for me.” Anna told her that was right. “I don’t think my parents would have done that for me—I know they wouldn’t have. No one would have before coming here. They only wanted us around for the money, I think.”

“More than likely, that is most of it. You two have been through hell and back. I can’t believe how lucky you were to have survived. And you did too. Survive when all the odds were against you. Now, look where you are. With a couple that loves you, a family that loves to have you around and enjoys your company. Even the kids all love you.” She looked at the girls playing with the blocks she’d gotten out for them. “If you keep this up, keeping a good eye on the kids, you’ll have no end of babysitting jobs. I do hope you know I’m paying you for this. It’s been wonderful for me to just be able to come and go without worrying about what they might get into.”

“I don’t— They’re my cousins, aren’t they?” Anna laughed and said that they were. “So are the other kids. They’re my cousins, and you’re my aunt.”

“I am. So does that mean you’re going to open up a little with us, young lady?” Getting up, she made her way to Anna. Hugging her tightly, holding onto her with just the knowledge that she could, Holly felt her eyes fill with tears again. “Oh, Holly. I have wanted to say this to you and Conor so much. I love you, sweetie. So much. And welcome to the family.”

She was part of a family. Not only that, but she had a family too. Her heart felt as full as it had ever felt. When she sat back down on the floor, all she could think about was that she had a forever Copyright 2016 - 2024