Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,46

today.” Mrs. Johnson smiled at her. “I think that once you and your family gets ahold of this place, not only will it be a wonderful place to work, but it will also be the safest one around. I’m donating my shares to you because I think this place will only improve with you and your family at the helm.”

“We’ll pay you for the shares, Mrs. Johnson.” Shaking her head, Mrs. Johnson pulled her shares out of a file that she had brought in with her and signed her name to them. “Thank you for this. I promise you, this will be a safe place for all people.”

“I’m going to call my attorney right now. There is a fax machine in this office. I’ll have him send you a copy of my shares as well. I find myself no longer wanting to be a part of something so terribly wrong. That gives you forty shares.” Mr. Cable turned to the man on his right, Mr. Parker, who was the only person who’d not spoken. “What do you think Margaret would say if she knew this was what her money was being used for, Alford? I would bet right now she’s rolling over in her grave. Margaret would be coming here right away if she knew what this bastard has done to her school.”

“She would at that. I was just seeing how I could get my attorney to come on down here and turn mine over to her as well. What are you going to do, Patrick Gibson? I know we have the same attorney. Should I have him bring yours down as well?” Gibson said to do it. Mr. Parker looked at Clarkson. Beck was still staring at him. “If I were you, Ben, I’d give it up. She’s got all she needs now to run you out of town. And if she doesn’t, well then, I guess it’s been nice knowing you. Mrs. Robinson, is this really Beckett?”

“Yes. My husband.” The man scratched Beck behind the ear. “I don’t think he knew you were on this board, Mr. Parker. He said he would have done this differently if he had.”

“Nope. The way you two did this is the perfect way to have brought us down. If you’d not mind, with a full background check, if you will, I’d like to be on some of the committees that the Robinsons will have installed here. You’re part of a good family, ma’am. In the event you’ve not figured that out as yet.”

“I have. Thank you for your help.” He said it was his pleasure. As he left the room with Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Gibson wasn’t far behind, going out with Mr. Cable. She now had eighty shares of the school—more than enough to fire Clarkson. “Well, well, well, Clarkson. It looks as if you’re the only holdout. Not that it matters one hill of beans. The Robinson Foundation owns more than enough to get you fired.”

“You can’t fire me, you little twit. I started this project and intend to get as much out of it as I can. There won’t be any stopping me either. I know for a fact that this room has a recording in it. It’s how I kept the others in line. You see, you have nothing. It’s your word against mine about what transpired today.” The phone in the middle of the conference table rang, startling all three of them, including Beck. “Answer that. I’m sure it’s one of my people saying they’ve changed their minds.”

“Hello, fucktard. My name is Rogen Robinson. I wanted you to know that as of ten minutes ago, I’ve not only emptied your bank accounts but also that your home is being gone over by some very smart people. You won’t be able to stay there, I’m afraid. They’re going to be taking whatever they want and going over it.” Clarkson asked Rogen what she thought she was going to find. “Find? We’ve already found a great deal of things, as a matter of fact. Not just the bank money, which, as I said, we’ve taken, but also your porn. While it’s not your run of the mill sort of porn, I wonder if you realize that having porn on a computer that you’ve told the IRS is only used for work is wrong. Also, and this I find so funny I nearly wet myself, they’ve found the ad that you put into newspapers all over the country to hire sex Copyright 2016 - 2024