Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,37

going to feel just a little pinch.”

The pain didn’t go away, not all of it, but he could breathe around it now. When he was set up, he noticed that everyone was standing up watching him. Allie asked him if he was feeling all right for dinner or did he want to go on home.

“I’d rather stay if I can. I’m sorry.” She ruffed up his hair and told him he was fine. When he was helped to stand, he was put in a booth seat next to his granddad. He told him he was sorry for hurting him. “You didn’t. You gave me the best hug I’ve ever had, Grandpa. I can call you that, can’t I?”

“You surely can. Yes, sir, you surely can.”

The pizza was brought out. Conor couldn’t eat all that much—he was suddenly exhausted. Finding a soft spot up against his grandda, Conor decided to take a little nap. He knew he’d feel better after a little nap.


Beck carried Conor up to the bedroom he was going to be using. They’d have to redecorate it. Well, do something with it besides having just furniture in the room. He’d not even gotten around to having any blinds or curtains put in. His mom was hot on his heels as he laid the young boy in the big bed.

“My goodness, he sure is tiny in this bed, don’t you think?” Beck told his mom that he thought both of them were underweight. “I believe you’re right—that poor little Holly. Every time something louder than a bump happened, she was looking for a place to hide. Both of them have been having a hard time of it, haven’t they, son?”

“Yes. Tru and Allie, with the other two, are looking into a couple of things. Andrew told us what the kids had told him when they were picked up. They had tied Holly to the bed and had men lined up to take their turn with her. Conor was locked up in the shed out back. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened to them had he not broken out of the shed and gotten in there and saved her from her fate.” Mom cried a little, her hand over her mouth to keep the words she wanted to say well hidden. “I want to tell you that Allie smacked him twice before you got to the restaurant. He deserved it, hands down, but if he gets mouthy with you, I want to know about it.”

“You will. But I’ll take care that he doesn’t.” He knew that she would too. His mom was going to love these guys if she didn’t already. “Beckett, I want to hunt those people down and make sure they understand that they messed with the wrong family.”

“I think if you wanted to help the women, they’d let you. They’re in the basement of Thatcher’s house plotting now.” She left him after kissing Conor on the forehead.

They didn’t have anything for the kids to wear to bed. Holly had been given a long shirt of Allie’s to put on. Conor would have to sleep in his underwear. But Beck wasn’t all that comfortable taking his jeans off him. He was afraid the kid would wake up and think the worst was happening to him. Reaching out to Dawson, he asked him how deeply Conor was under.

Deep. Why? He told him. Oh. I can understand that. But it’s doubtful he’ll wake up. Not only has the kid been hurt, but it’s also doubtful he’s gotten a good night’s sleep in a while. The meds I gave him when we left the restaurant will keep him out for a while. I’d say you’re safe with disrobing him. If you’ve already got them into bed, big brother, I’ll just come over tomorrow to check on them. There isn’t any point in waking them up.

He didn’t hurry through taking them off, fearful of him waking. But the more he pulled the pants down, the more wounds he could see on the boy. He’d taken quite a beating. Telling Dawson about them, he repeated that he’d be right over in the morning to have a look.

He also told Allie, who relayed the information to the others. His legs are so bruised it looks like he’s been dipped in blue and black paint. His arms are also badly bruised. I don’t know how he was able to move, much less take care of his sister the way he did.

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