Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,79

was mumbling something about keeping his promise to you if it was the last thing he did as he went out the door.” Mary winked.

“Oh.” Rebecca smiled. “He promised to kiss me awake each morning. Isn’t that sweet of him?”

“Yes ma’am, it is.” Mary returned her smile and loaded the tray with last night’s dishes. When she finished, she gave Rebecca a thoughtful look. “He’s a changed man since meeting you. I thank the good Lord for it too. I’ll be back with some biscuits and preserves and a little coffee.”

When she was alone, Rebecca got out of bed and put on her robe from the foot of the bed. She wondered if Mary had picked it up off the floor or if Jared had before he left.

Walking behind the screen, she poured water from the pitcher into the bowl and washed her hands and her face. After a quick sponge bath she put on her robe and began to brush the tangles from her hair.

The door opened again and she looked up to see Jared.

“I thought I left instructions for you to stay in bed?” He smiled at her.

“You did.”

“And yet you chose to disobey me?” He frowned but there was no mistaking the twinkle in his eyes.

She smiled. “I wanted to be presentable when you returned. If you had tarried a little longer I would have been back in bed waiting for you.”

He crooked his finger at her and she went to him. “I made you a promise that I intend to keep, Mrs. Hollingsworth.”

“And I intend to hold you to it.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her snug against him. “I missed your kisses.”

“Is that all you missed?” She ran her hand up his arm to his shoulder. “Or did you perhaps miss all of me?”

“What do you think?” He captured her mouth with his and hungrily kissed her, his tongue slipping into her mouth and matching the kisses from the night before. As they kissed, his hands roamed over her body renewing the feel of his caresses. Her robe fell to the floor around her feet and he ran his hand down her stomach and touched her mound, letting one finger trace a path until it sank into her wetness. He rubbed circles around her clit and she moaned. Sweeping her up into his arms, he prepared to carry her to the bed when a knock sounded at the bedroom door.

Without waiting for a response, Mary pushed open the door and entered with a breakfast tray. Her eyes widened when she saw them and she looked away quickly. “I didn’t hear you come into the house, sir. I had no idea you’d returned.”

“Obviously.” His tone reflected his annoyance. “Leave the tray and go, Mary.”

“Yes, sir.” She hurried across the room, put it on the table, and retreated with the same speed. “I’m sorry to have disturbed.”

As soon as the door closed Rebecca giggled. Jared laughed as well. He carried her to the bed and laid her down.

Unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled it from his trousers and tossed it onto the floor. Sitting down he pulled off his boots and socks before he unfastened his pants. Discarding them he joined her on the bed. “Now where were we?”

“I’ll never be able to face her again.” Rebecca hid her face against his shoulder.

“Don’t give it another thought. She’ll try to forget it as well. In a few days no one will remember it.”

“That is easy for you to say, darling. You weren’t the one naked.”

“I don’t think there is a more beautiful sight than you naked.” He picked up her hand and began to nibble kisses at her fingertips, her palm and her wrist. “In fact, I think I’d like to keep you in this room…in my bed…just as you are.”

“You would, would you?”

“Yes.” He looked up at her. “And do you know where I’d be?”

She shook her head and made her eyes go big with mock innocence.

“I’d be right here with you. Feasting on your beauty. Making love to you night and day.”

“I’m sure you’d lose interest eventually when I became all sluggish and fat with child.”

“Never.” He pulled her to him and kissed her again, rolling her until he was lying on top of her.

She wrapped her arms around him, shifting to adjust to his weight. “I love you, Jared Hollingsworth.”

He nibbled kisses at her mouth. “I love you and I need you more than I ever thought I could need anyone ever Copyright 2016 - 2024