Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,75

grandson and I understand you wanting him with you now. Just because he will be living with me and Jared at Oak Hill doesn’t mean you can’t visit him or he visit you when he’s older. He needs grandparents as much as parents.”

Josephine gave her a wan smile. “I didn’t think you’d give him up and I didn’t want to ask you to either. I never expected to feel anything for him like I do.”

The suite door opened and Charlotte came in with Lucas. Seeing Josephine, he held out his arms to her. “Ma-ma. Ma-ma,” he called.

“I’m sorry, miss, but he wouldn’t stop asking for you.” Charlotte carried him over to Josephine and she took him. He patted her face. “Ma-ma. Ma-ma.”

Tears ran down Josephine’s cheeks again and she sniffed. “No, darling one, I’m not Mama.”

“When did he start calling you that?” Rebecca asked.

“After you left.” She sniffed again. “I told him I wasn’t, but he wouldn’t stop saying it.”

Rebecca reached for him and he went to her, laying his head on her shoulder. “Ma-ma,” he cooed. “Ma-ma.”

She kissed his head. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered.

“I suppose you will be taking him with you tonight?” Josephine asked.

“Actually no,” Rebecca said. “I can’t take him tonight because we don’t know if Delaney is at Oak Hill. I thought you could bring him and his things out tomorrow?”

“Of course I will,” she said with her old spirit. “After all, he’s my grandson.”

“And not just him, Miss Davis,” Jared said. “I want you and Charlotte to come to Oak Hill until you and Doctor Gordon are married.”

She beamed at him. “Thank you, but I think I’ll stay here. Charlotte can go with you to help with Lucas. You don’t need me hovering around your new family.”

“Nonsense. You are our family.” Rebecca got to her feet and walked Lucas to get him to sleep.

“Oak Hill is large enough that we won’t be falling over one another,” Jared added. “You can have my mother’s suite with your own private balcony that overlooks the flower garden.”

“At least think about it before you turn the offer down,” Rebecca suggested, heading for the bedrooms to put the baby down. “Charlotte, I’ll need you to pack our things and be ready when the carriage comes for you tomorrow.”

“Yes, miss.” She followed Rebecca into the room. “Can I pack you a fresh bag for the night?”

Rebecca nodded. “Yes please.”

When Rebecca returned she found the trio chatting quietly. Jared smiled when she entered the room.

“Higgins has arrived. Are you ready to go?”

“Yes. This has been a most eventful day.”

“Yes it has,” Doctor Gordon said, standing. “We’d best rejoin our dinner party. The Calhouns will be wondering where we’ve run off to. Though I doubt the Coopers will have observed our absence for more than a minute. They are still so engrossed with one another.”

“As all newlyweds should,” Josephine cooed, slipping her hand into his.

Rebecca noticed her aunt had repaired her face and you couldn’t tell she’d been crying. She hugged her one last time before she left. “Thank you for telling me about Mariah. I’m sorry you’ve had to bear that burden alone for so long. Papa and Mama never said a word.”

“They wouldn’t, dear. They vowed to never speak of it for all our sakes. And don’t worry about Lucas. I know you’ll be the best one for him to be with, and it’s what Mariah wanted. It was a foolish notion and I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No. No. It wasn’t foolish. I’m glad you told me how you feel. Even if we aren’t living in the same house we can share him.”

Josephine kissed her on the cheek and nodded. “He’ll have the best of both of us.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Once settled in the carriage, Rebecca laid her head on Jared’s shoulder and closed her eyes, still hearing Josephine’s words echo in her head. “I can’t believe Aunt Josephine was Mariah’s mother.”

“Neither can I. That was the last thing I expected to hear when we joined them upstairs.”

“I know. I feel sorry for her. She has had to carry this secret for so long and to lose Mariah without getting to tell her she was her mother is simply unfair.” Rebecca sat up and looked at him. “When I think of some of the things I personally said to her. How I teased her for her strong beliefs about premarital relations. I am ashamed of myself.”

“Darling, you had no idea. Exactly what did you say?”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“Come on, Rebecca. Copyright 2016 - 2024