Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,62

heal her wounded heart.

With Rebecca gone these last few days, she’d finally allowed herself to feel something for the child, her rightful grandchild. She’d never imagined the love she could feel for him in so little time, but now that she did, she didn’t know if she could give him up so easily when Rebecca returned. Would it be selfish to want to take him as her own?

Yes. She feared it would. Rebecca loved him, and she couldn’t hurt her niece by taking him from her.

“Goodness, Miss Josephine.” Charlotte stumbled into the dimly lit room. “I was worried when I didn’t find the babe in his bed. Have you been here with him all night?”

“Only since about two. I woke and heard him stirring. I believe it’s his teeth again.”

“Would you like me to take him now so you can go back to bed?” she asked.

“I’m fine, and he’s no trouble at all.” Josephine smiled.

Charlotte slowly nodded. “I-if you’re sure?”

“I am.”

“I’ll go order up breakfast.”

“No need. I’m not hungry. Only coffee.”

“As you wish.” She curtsied and left.

Josephine rocked back and forth and hummed softly as her mind drifted to the London townhouse where she’d given birth to Mariah. It had been a cold overcast day. The doctor had arrived shortly before midnight and didn’t leave her side until nearly seven the following night. It had been a long and difficult birth, but Mariah had been perfect.

Two weeks later once she was back on her feet, they left London and traveled to France for four months before going to Italy. By then Mariah was getting all fat and sassy.

“That’s when you sent me away, Samuel. You and Emily sent me away so your little family didn’t have to deal with me.”

“Did you say something, miss?” Charlotte asked, coming back into the suite with the coffee service. She closed the door behind her and carried a tray over to the small table.

Josephine didn’t respond. She rocked in silence as warm tears rolled down her face, remembering how she’d sailed back to the United States alone.

“Would you like your coffee black?”

Josephine closed her eyes and continued to rock. She’d lost her first love and her child and what did she have to show for it? Nothing. She was well past her prime. In all rights she was on the shelf and had no prospects.

“Miss Josephine?” Charlotte’s call jarred her back to reality.

“Black. I’ll take it black.”

“Yes ma’am.” The girl fixed the coffee and brought it to her, but there was nowhere to set it. “Perhaps I should put the child to bed now? And you can have your coffee in peace?”

“Forget the coffee.” Josephine shifted the sleeping child in her arms so she could easily get out of the rocker. “I’ll put him down.”


“Don’t stammer, Charlotte. I am capable of doing some things for myself.”

“Certainly. Have you been cryin’, ma’am?”

She swiped away the moisture with the back of her hand. “Nothing to fret about. Is that clear? I think I will lie down for a while.”

With a worried look, Charlotte set the coffee cup back on the tray and curtsied. She collected it and scurried out of sight.

Josephine carried Lucas into her room, put him on the bed and lay down beside him. She hummed a soft tune, watched him sleep until her own eyes grew heavy, and she too drifted off to sleep.

Tiny hands, patting her cheeks and wet, slobbery drool dripping on her face woke her a few hours later.


She opened her eyes and smiled. “Mama isn’t here now. She’ll be back soon.” She sat up and he crawled to her.


He’d been calling her that off and on since Rebecca left and each time it made her heart ache. Mariah had never called her that, nor had she ever wanted it back then, but now, if she could only have had that memory.

“Ma-ma.” He reached his hands up to her.

“Mama isn’t here, Lucas. She’s on a trip, but hopefully she’ll be back today or tomorrow.”

“Ma-ma.” He smacked his lips together this time and she picked him up. He laid his head on her shoulder and patted her.

“I bet you’re hungry. Let’s go get you something to eat.” She carried him into the sitting room, but stopped suddenly in the doorway. Ancil sat at the small table where they ate their meals, having coffee while listening to an animated Charlotte. The maid hushed and looked at her with a worried expression.

What had the girl been telling him?

“Let me take him from you, Copyright 2016 - 2024