Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,60

Rebecca’s hands between hers. “Then we should pray he meets her, and soon, before he loses his life and spends eternity paying for his sins.”

They bowed their heads and silently prayed for Rory’s soul.

“Amen!” Mawsy handed her the plates as Ben and Jared came back into the kitchen.

“Rebecca,” Ben said. “I believe you’ve found yourself a good man. I’ll perform the ceremony.”

She sat the plates on the table and rushed to hug him. “Thank you. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d want performing my marriage. May we do it now?”

“Yes. I have the necessary documents for you both to sign. Do you have the rings?”

Jared nodded, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He took the rings out and handed them to the parson.

“Not so fast, Ben.” Mawsy stepped forward and spoke to Rebecca. “You go into my room and freshen up. Don’t come back until I call for you.”

Rebecca nodded and turned to leave the room, but Mawsy grabbed her arm and led her into the hall. She leaned close to Rebecca and whispered, “Don’t worry, child. Tonight will not be that horrible, though young women have the right to be fearful going to a man’s bed for the first time.”

Heat flooded Rebecca’s cheeks and she hurried from the room grateful the pitcher in the bedroom was still full. She poured water into the washbowl, splashed her face, and blotted it dry with a clean towel. Staring at her reflection, she took a long slow breath to steady her wildly thumping heart. “There’s nothing for you to be nervous about. You’re marrying Jared.”

“You certainly are,” he said from the doorway and she jumped, turning toward him. “But if getting married tonight feels rushed, we don’t have to do it. We can wait until we return to Jackson, plan a small wedding, and invite our friends.”

She shook her head. “No. I want to do it now. I-I think I’m excited about it to the point of distraction. It’s hard to believe and yet it’s happening. A girl waits for this day all her life. When I woke this morning I had no idea I’d be going to bed as your wife tonight.”

He came forward to take her hands. “If you’re sure?”

She smiled up at the man with whom she intended to spend the rest of her life. “I am.”

“Then Ben is ready when you are.” They slowly walked back to the parlor, and Mawsy began playing the small upright piano in the corner.

Ben stood in front of the mantel and waited for the music to stop. “On this special occasion I have the honor to unite you in marriage. It’s a sacred bond. Neither of you should enter into lightly.”

Rebecca looked at Jared, carefully watching his expression. Ben’s words filtered through her ears and into her heart where she felt them with much joy. When they exchanged vows, she repeated the words as instructed and slipped the gold band on Jared’s finger. It was a piece of metal that had no meaning before she put it on, and now it meant he was hers. She watched as he put a similar band on her finger where he’d placed the emerald that afternoon.

“By the power vested in me by the State of Tennessee, I pronounce you husband and wife,” Ben concluded.

Jared didn’t wait for the traditional command, “you may now kiss the bride.” Instead, he pulled her into his arms and gave her their first kiss as husband and wife. She wrapped her arms around his neck and eagerly returned it. From this day forward they’d face the trials of life together.


When they entered the Exeter Hotel later that evening Rebecca went up to her room to collect her things while Jared stopped at the front desk. He spoke with the clerk and settled the bill on Rebecca’s room.

“Congratulations, Mr. Hollingsworth,” the clerk said. “I heard about the excitement in the dining room earlier today. We didn’t realize you’d be making it official so soon. If you’ll kindly reregister as husband and wife there will be no problem.”

“Thank you.” Jared took the pen and signed the book again. When he finished, he looked at the clerk. “There is one other service you can do. I’ve learned another guest is asking questions about me. His name is Stuart Delaney. I’d appreciate our privacy until we check out.”

“O-of course,” the clerk stuttered. “I-I beg your pardon, sir. It was a simple mistake. He said he knew you, but couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024