Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,52

made him long to find her. But he’d reacted too irrationally the last few times they’d met, so he vowed to practice a little patience.


Rebecca woke from a nap to knocking at her door. She slowly got up and slipped on the dress she’d worn to the bank that morning. Transferring her money to Jackson had not been as simple as she’d imagined. There had been so many documents to sign. “Just a minute.”

She opened the door and a bellboy handed her an envelope. “Please wait a moment.” She went to get her purse and took out a coin to hand to the lad. “Thank you.”

She closed the door wondering who could be sending her a message at the hotel. The only person who could possibly need to reach her was her lawyer and they were to meet again this afternoon. Unfolding the paper, she quickly read the words, stopping when she saw the closure.

Jared. Her heart skipped a beat.

How had he found out where she had went?

Chapter Fifteen

Heart racing, she re-read the note and couldn’t understand why Jared had followed her. He could have jeopardized the mission by showing up at the wrong time. Why hadn’t Rory stopped him?


She fully understood Jared’s disdain for his cousin. Rory was insufferable. She was still upset that he’d taken her to Madame Monique’s. He could have met her near the train depot with Ruth. If she hadn’t been dazed by his resemblance to Jared, then she would have insisted upon it.

Going to the wardrobe, she selected a different dress and changed into it, preparing to meet Jared. A troubling thought crossed her mind as she repinned her hair. She’d not left Jackson on the best of terms with him. She’d turned down his marriage proposal, and then he’d no doubt seen her going into Madame Monique’s with Rory. He must be livid with her. Had he followed her to Memphis to have it out with her because he couldn’t wait to do it when she returned?

Taking a deep breath to settle the butterflies in her stomach, she closed the door and went to meet him.


Reaching the second floor landing, Stuart Delaney watched the woman he’d seen the day before come down the hallway. Her hair was swept up on her head, showing off her tempting slender neck. She truly was an exquisite creature.

“Good afternoon.” He tipped his hat.

She glanced his way, and nodded slightly. “Good day.”

“Pardon me, but haven’t we met before?”

The woman stopped and turned back in his direction. “I don’t believe so.”

“I’m almost certain we met in New Orleans?”

She shook her head. “I’ve never been there. Sorry.”

He frowned. “You look so familiar. Are you certain we’ve never met?”

“Positive,” she said. “I think I’d know if I’ve visited New Orleans.”

“You’re right.” Delaney rubbed at his chin. “Again, I beg your pardon.”

She turned and began walking, but his words stopped her again. “Perhaps a sister?”


“Maybe it was another city?”

He’d already mistaken the identity of one man. And it confounded him how much that man looked like the fool Hollingsworth he’d won the plantation from. What he was going to do with it he wasn’t sure, but maybe he’d finally settle down and become respectable. Once he did, perhaps he’d even try to find that girl Mariah and really make her his wife.

The woman turned, fixing an icy glare on him. “No. I believe I’d recall meeting you.” She pursed her lips together. He could feel her gaze roaming from his head to his toes as she sized him up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

“Of course.” He tipped his hat again. “It’ll come to me eventually.”

She looked exasperated by his insistence. “I tell you we have not met before today.”

“I think we have.”

A door opened, and the man he’d mistaken as Hollingsworth stepped into the hallway.

“Rebecca, is something wrong?”

The woman quickened her pace to join him. “Jared. Thank heavens. This man believes we’ve met before, and I can’t convince him otherwise.”

The man looked at him. “First it’s me, now my friend? Do you make a habit of mistaking the identity of people, sir?”

“Stuart Delaney’s the name,” he offered, startled to see the woman go ashen and swoon.

“Rebecca.” The man she’d called Jared looked as pale, but caught her before she fell to the floor. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into his room.

“Is she all right?” Stuart asked, following close behind.

“I’m not sure,” Jared said. “But it’s none of your concern. You’ve caused enough trouble. Good day.” With his Copyright 2016 - 2024