Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,5

when he assured him she was beautiful. He chuckled at his good fortune to escort this stunning woman. Her auburn hair glistened in the afternoon sun like honey dripping off the wax comb, and reminded him of the young woman he’d encountered in passing at the post office the day before.

Could it be her?

His thoughts wandered back to the vision of the young woman walking down the street toward the hotel. He hadn’t gotten a good look at her face, but the memory of her slender neck, the shape of her back and trim waist, not to mention the sweet smell of her that somehow still lingered in the air, stirred something deep inside.

Could it be a coincidence that the beauty sitting beside him smelled just as sweet? That her hair shined just as bright? His interest in her perplexed him, especially when he’d initially not welcomed the request to be her escort. He had no doubt there would be competition from the other male guests to be her dance partner at the reception.

“Don’t they make a lovely couple?” Miss Davis whispered, breaking his train of thought. She wiped her eyes with a hanky.

“Yes, they are a striking pair.” He joined the applause at the end of the ceremony. Standing, he offered his arm to her again and asked, “Shall we go inside for some refreshment?”

She smiled up at him. “That would be most enjoyable.”

Music drifted from the ballroom as they approached the house. He wondered what it would feel like to have Miss Davis in his arms, her body pressed just so against him as they danced. He shook those thoughts away and focused on making small talk.

“How long will you be staying in Jackson, Miss Davis?”

“I’m not sure. Elizabeth has asked me to stay on and help her with a few social functions once she and Mr. Cooper return from their wedding tour.”

“So there is nothing pressing that insists you return to—”

“Memphis? No, not really.” Her emerald eyes sparkled as they joined the mass of guests waiting in the receiving line to bid well wishes to the newlyweds.

Jared found it strange that the beautiful young woman didn’t have suitors lined up waiting to spend time with her. Before he realized, he’d spoken his thoughts. “No suitor eagerly awaiting your return?”

“Mr. Hollingsworth!” Her cheeks pinked with color as they reached Mitchell’s parents.

While they waited to congratulate the bride and groom, Miss Davis modestly leaned closer and whispered, “In answer to your question. No. There are no suitors at present. I’ve just come out of mourning.”

He hadn’t realized she was a widow. Why had she been introduced to him as a miss? Puzzled by her remark, Jared clasped Mitchell’s hand tighter than he intended as they shook hands.

“Are things going that bad?” his friend asked, looking concerned.

“No. Not at all.” Jared released his grip before taking the bride’s hand and raising it to his lips for a kiss. “Congratulations to you both. I hope you’ll reserve at least one dance with me, Mrs. Cooper.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth cooed, reaching for Miss Davis’ hand. “Mama, this is my dearest friend from Augusta Seminary, Miss Rebecca Davis.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Calhoun. Thank you for allowing me to attend the wedding. It was absolutely beautiful,” Miss Davis said. “Mr. Calhoun.”

“Miss Davis,” Mr. Calhoun responded.

“You must be proud, Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun,” Jared greeted.

“Thank you for coming all this way to be with us today,” Mrs. Calhoun said coolly without shaking his hand.

“Mama!” the new Mrs. Cooper gasped, giving him an apologetic look and drawing further attention to the slight.

Again Jared heard murmuring behind him and decided to escort Miss Davis away from the line before she questioned the snub. “How about that refreshment now?”

She nodded, but looked confused.

He left her in a small alcove in the ballroom while he fetched punch. When he returned, he found his companion swaying to the music.

“Would you like to dance?” he asked, handing her a glass cup.

“That would be delightful.” She drank the punch, discarding the empty cup on a nearby table.

A waltz played and he offered her his hand. Ever aware of the sweet scent of her perfume, Jared pulled her as close to his body as proper. “I didn’t realize you were a widow, Mrs. Davis,” he said. “Forgive me for not extending my condolences earlier and for not addressing you properly. You should have corrected Mr. Calhoun.”

“Thank you. But I prefer to be called Miss Davis. I’m n-” she began, looking Copyright 2016 - 2024