Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,44

is here to see him. We’ll be in my suite.”

“Oh, so you’re the master of Oak Hill? Rory talks about you all the time.” The painted lady gave a yearning look and vulgarly blew kisses in the direction of his crotch.

Jared recoiled back a step.

“Come with me.” Monique put her hand on his shoulder to draw his attention back to her. “I’m sure you’ll wish to speak to your cousin in private. It’ll be a nice little reunion.”

He followed her down a corridor and up a second staircase into her suite. He’d expected the room to have gildedmirrors, bold colors and gaudy draperies. Instead, the room was soft blue with sheer drapes cascading at the windows and bed frame, giving the room a peaceful and innocent feel much like Charisse had decorated the nursery. The low burning candles around the room added to the serenity.

“Rory said you looked alike, but you’re nothing like I imagined.” Monique smiled. “Clearly you’re the more handsome cousin.”

“What else did he say about me?” Jared looked around the room. “Are they here?”

Monique laughed, going to a drinks table. “Oh, not much. Rory’s as cunning as a fox. What’s your poison?”


“Touché.” She poured herself a splash of Bourbon then looked up at him. “Are you sure you’ll not join me?”

“I want to see Rory. More importantly I want to see the woman who is with him.”

“Patience. Have a seat. Chérie will be along with him momentarily,” Monique purred, settling on a chaise. She stretched out on her side letting her hand run down her leg from hip to knee and back again, bringing the sheer black dress up with it. “I have an array of girls who could bring you pleasure if you don’t like what you see. You’re so tense, Mr. Hollingsworth. How long has it been since you’ve been cradled between a woman’s legs?”

Jared clenched his fists, trying to keep his breathing normal as he silently counted to ten. The very thought of Rebecca entering a place like this sickened him, and to think that she knew his cousin Rory all this time without even saying a word to him infuriated him. She’d deceived him. He’d made a fool of himself thinking he was in love with her. It was obvious he didn’t even know her. How could he ever trust her again?

“I’ve waited long enough. If I have to tear this place apart to find Rory, I will.”

A side door opened and his cousin sauntered into the room. “That won’t be necessary, Jared. You really should use a little more control. I could hear your venomous voice all the way down the street.”

Jared took three long steps toward the younger man and grabbed him by the open shirt collar. “Where is Rebecca? I saw you bring her in here.”

Rory laughed, jerking free. “I thought that was you lurking in the shadows out front. But I’d never have guessed you’d stoop to spy on your lady friend. You nearly frightened the poor woman to death. She thought…well never mind what she thought. It isn’t important.”

“Where is she?” Jared shouted.

Rory sidestepped Jared’s second attempt to grasp his collar. “Gone.”

He lunged toward Rory and knocked him into a side table. It broke beneath their weight as they toppled to the floor. With a right hook, he slammed his fist into Rory’s jaw, then grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “What’s your business with her? How long have you known her? Are you lovers?”

His cousin broke free and scrambled away, giving him a look of utter contempt. “If you think any of that is true about Miss Rebecca Davis, then I say you know nothing about her at all.”

Chapter Thirteen

Rebecca’s heartbeat raced as if she’d run down a road instead of sitting in a private compartment on a northbound train. Rory assured her she’d only imagined seeing Jared follow her down the alley to Madame Monique’s. But if it had been him…what he must think of her going into a brothel. And with Rory. A man she shouldn’t even know. How would she ever explain it all to Jared?

“Are you feeling all right, miss?” Ruth spoke slowly and softly in unbroken words, laying a gloved hand on Rebecca’s arm.

“I will be soon.”

“Maybe you should get some rest?”

Rebecca shook her head. “I couldn’t sleep if I tried right now.”

The young woman carefully rearranged her skirts and smoothed her cloak of any wrinkles. “M’neither.”

Rebecca watched her companion take pride in her clothing. “You look beautiful, Ruth. The Copyright 2016 - 2024