Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,42

you both very much.”

When she broke away from the hug, her aunt gave her a questioning look. “You’re not eloping are you?”


“This sudden trip has nothing to do with Mr. Hollingsworth?” Josephine crossed her arms over her chest, looking stern.

“Absolutely not. I told you I have some financial matters to attend, and I must see my lawyer immediately. I’ll be back within the week if all goes as planned.”

Her eyes narrowed as she continued to study Rebecca. “All right. You have a safe journey. I’ll see you when you return.”

Rebecca kissed a sleeping Lucas on the cheek as Charlotte held him. “Mama loves you dearly, little one. Take care, Charlotte.”

“Yes, miss. There’s nothing to worry about. He’ll be fine.”

Nodding, she took a deep breath and without further delay, she turned, picked up her bag and cloak, and headed to the door.

A knock sounded before she reached it. She stopped and her heart skipped a beat. What if Rory had been caught after he left St. Anna’s and somehow the authorities had linked them together?

“Heavens, who could that be at this late hour?” Josephine said.

“I don’t know.” She still didn’t move toward the door as another knock came.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” Josephine asked, impatiently.

When she hesitated further her aunt implored, “Rebecca, did you hear me?”

“Yes. Yes. I’ll get it.” She forced her feet to take the remaining two steps to the door. She opened it wide and was stunned seeing the man on the other side. “Jared!”

“Hello, Rebecca.”

Goose flesh prickled her skin as his gaze roamed over her, taking in her attire. “Going somewhere?”

“As a matter of fact, I am. What are you doing here at this late hour?”

“I need to speak to you. May I come in?”

The polite gesture would have been to invite him inside, even at this late hour, but she didn’t have time to spare. She had to meet Rory by ten o’clock. She waved to her aunt and stepped out into the hallway, closing the suite door behind her.

Jared backed away, frowning.

“I’m afraid not. I have a train to catch. I’ll be back in a few days after I take care of important business. Can’t this wait?” She asked, heading toward the stairs with her one bag.

“Rebecca, please. I want to apologize for my reaction yesterday. I wanted your answer to be yes, but I realized my proposal came too soon. You shouldn’t have to explain why you turned me down.”

“I’m sorry, I really have to go, or I’ll miss my train. Can we talk more about this when I return?” If I return.

“At least let me carry your bag and see you off,” he said, catching up to her as she went down the stairs.

She stopped at the bottom landing and whispered. “I don’t think this is a good idea. People are already talking about us.”

His brows knitted together. “Who’s talking?”

“I’ll be back in a few days, and I’ll pay a call to Mrs. Paxton,” she said loud enough for the night clerk to overhear. He’d been straining his neck as she descended the stairs, trying to hear their conversation.

“Good night, Mr. Hollingsworth,” she called over her shoulder.

Jared watched as she stopped outside of the hotel, sat down her valise and donned the garment she had draped over her arm. From the distance it looked like a cloak, which he found odd since it was late June. Yet, she wore it, covering her person from head to toe. He could only see her dainty hand as she reached out to hail a hired cab.

Curiosity demanded he discover what she was doing. He stepped out of the hotel and motioned for Higgins to bring the carriage, and climbed up beside his driver instead of getting in back. He was not surprised at all when the cab he followed turned down Brewerton Street instead of going to the train station.

“Slow down, Higgins. We don’t want Miss Davis to spot us following her,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir. Do you mind my asking why we’re doing so?” The driver pulled back on the reins.

“I suspect she’s headed for trouble.”

“Then she needs our protection.”

Jared grinned at his faithful servant. Taking care of Rebecca was something he was prepared to do. And he might as well get used to doing so if they were going to marry.

His brow furrowed and he thought back to what she’d said on the staircase in the hotel. People were talking about them. He clenched his hands into tight fists. His personal reputation being in Copyright 2016 - 2024