Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,40

his hold causing the prayer shawl to drop to her shoulders. “Your letter said you’d be contacting me soon, and you’d be wearing a yellow rose. How was I supposed to know the man I later met wearing the flower in his lapel wasn’t you? He was introduced to me as Mr. Hollingsworth so naturally I thought he was my contact.”

“What irony!” Rory exclaimed rising from the pew. He leaned over her and demanded in a softer voice. “How much did you tell him about Ruth? Is the mission in jeopardy?”

Her back stiffened at the question and she shook her head, boldly looking him in the eye. “What about you, Mr. Hollingsworth? You were several days late upholding your end of the bargain. How do I know you didn’t jeopardize the mission?”

“Touché. I ran into a little problem, but I assure you it did not put Ruth in danger.” His hand went to his side where the cut still smarted even after a few days of being stitched.

“Are you certain my brilliant cousin didn’t figure out what you were talking about?”

“Yes. I dropped a few hints about her, but when he didn’t comprehend, I ended the conversation. I was certain I’d put her life in danger until I received your letter a few days later about the delay. I was ready to send an abort letter to the committee.” She shook her head. “He must have thought I was daft, and yet, he still wanted to marry me.”

“He wanted to marry you?” Rory looked at his cohort more closely. He could understand why his cousin would want to marry her for she was a beauty and she had spunk. “You must be an amazing woman, Miss Davis. The last time I saw Jared, he was heartbroken over losing his wife and child. All he could talk about was throwing himself into making Oak Hill prosperous and turning a profit without using—”

“You’re quite the scoundrel, double-crossing your cousin. Oak Hill’s facing ruin because of you and your gambling debts,” she spat, her emerald eyes growing dark.

He smirked. “Good to know my cousin spoke so highly of me.”

“Don’t pride yourself in your folly. He confessed his financial burden to me so I’d know what I was getting myself into if I accepted his proposal.”

“And did you?”

“Not that it is any of your concern, but no. I couldn’t. Not when I didn’t know how this assignment would turn out. I couldn’t risk connecting him more than I possibly had. Now knowing you too are associated with him proves I was right in my hesitation.”

Rory nodded, grateful for her admission. Women who worked for the Vigilante Committee were always courageous and compassionate for those in need of assistance. Her commitment to the cause was worthy. And yet she obviously loved his cousin. Why did Jared have all the luck? First, Charisse and now Miss Rebecca Davis loved him.

He mentally shook himself and refocused his attention on the matter at hand. “About the assignment, have you made arrangements for your passage?”

She nodded. “We leave tonight. There’s a late train departing at eleven that will take us to Grenada. From there we will go on to Memphis.”

“Perfect.” He took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. “Meet me at this location no later than ten and I will deliver the package to you. Do you have a cloak? If not, get one. You will not want anyone seeing you at this establishment.”

“Then why—”

“Sh-h-h. Someone’s coming.”

The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. The murmur of voices faded into silence and the footsteps retreated. When he was certain they would not be overheard he answered her question.

“Because no one will expect it.”

Miss Davis stared at him before speaking again. “You take pleasure in this don’t you?”

Rory grinned. “It’s the chase that makes the game pleasurable. Just like chasing a woman. The pursuit is more satisfying if there’s a challenge. You’ll find Delia waiting for you.”


“Her new name. It fits her disguise.”

Rebecca watched as Rory turned and left the chapel. A chill crept over her as she waited a safe amount of time before she followed, replacing her prayer shawl on her head. Once again she feared for her safety and Ruth’s as she passed through the corridor leading into the sanctuary.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a priest approaching her. Alarm that he’d overheard her conversation with Rory filled her and she turned her head in his direction.

Her sudden movement Copyright 2016 - 2024