Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,32

do. And even though he had met Rebecca and found her extremely desirable, he was hesitant to enter into a marriage with her just to save Oak Hill. He knew of marriages based on financial need, and they were rarely happy unions. He felt it was only right that Rebecca have love in their marriage.

The thought stopped him dead in his tracks, and he stared off into the distance as he thought about what he wanted. When had he started thinking about marrying Rebecca?

“Where to sir?” Higgins asked.

Did he really want to marry her?

He’d married for love the first time, but losing his wife and child had left him cold. It had taken several years for him to even allow another woman to get close to him again. But Rebecca had. He’d realized that whole-heartedly when he’d kissed her. She’d been so soft and trusting in his arms.

He felt in time he could love her the way a husband should his wife. There was no question about it. This realization made him feel hope was within reach. Oak Hill could be saved and he wouldn’t have to compromise his principle to do it.

“Mr. Hollingsworth?” Higgins called again.

Hearing the concern in his driver’s voice, Jared looked up. “Wait here. I have another errand to run.”

“Certainly, sir.”

Jared turned and headed toward the Bakersfield Hotel. Rebecca hadn’t invited him, but his letter had said he would call within the week.

He straightened his waistcoat as he walked down the street imagining what he would say. That is, if she would accept his call. She must. He would not go away until he spoke to her. He needed to know whether she had developed feelings for him or not before he spoke of marriage. He knew he was rushing this, but if he gave himself too much time to think he’d back out.


He looked up at the sound of her voice. Grinning at his own folly, he hurried toward her. “Rebecca, I didn’t see you.”

“You looked as if you were on an important errand.” She tilted her head to the side. Her emerald eyes twinkled.

“Yes I was. In fact, I was on my way to see you.” He took her hand, and she stepped closer. “Why is it you look more lovely every time I see you?”

Her cheeks flushed. “Do I?”

“Oh yes.” He lifted her hand to his lips, brushing them gently across her gloved knuckles. “Where, may I ask, were you going?”

“I was on my way to hire a carriage so I could pay Mrs. Paxton a call. I didn’t see her the last time I was at Oak Hill as I had planned.”

“Were you? How fortunate for you that I’m in town on business. Would you consider sharing my carriage so we may talk...privately?”

She nodded.

“Excellent.” He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and led her back to his carriage. “How is Lucas doing?”

“Very well. The rash is gone and his first tooth is visible under the gum.”

“Good for him.” He smiled and stopped beside the carriage. Motioning for Higgins to stay put, he opened the door and helped Rebecca inside. Instructing the driver to return to Oak Hill, he settled next to her.

He took her hand in his again. “I’ve missed you.”

“You have? Even after I…”

“Yes.” He turned to face her. “I didn’t like the way our visit ended. Something upset you, dear Rebecca, and I apologize if I somehow caused it.”

She smiled. He’d called her dear. Her pulse quickened and she covered his hand with her other.

His blue gaze met hers. Heat radiated off his body, enveloping hers in a warm cocoon. Her mouth dried, and she yearned for him to pull her into his arms and kiss her like he had in the library.

“You said you wanted to speak to me in private?” Her voice wobbled.

Abruptly, his smile vanished. He released her hands, and leaned back, his shoulders squared as if preparing for battle.

“Oak Hill is in danger. I’m afraid I’m about to lose the plantation.”

His flat tone sent a chill racing along her skin. “Surely not.”

“The bank refuses to extend any further loans on the property to cover a new debt I’ve accrued at my cousin’s negligence,” he continued, staring at the opposite seat. “He’s gambled and lost a small fortune, and he’s signed my name to cover the note. To make matters worse, a river boat gambler holds Rory’s markers and is coming at the end of the month to auction Oak Hill if I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024