Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,23

her. Heading for the walk, he added. “I’ve worked on much less sleep before.”

He was halfway down the stone path when Mary called, “I’ll have breakfast waiting when you return to the house.”

“Thank you.” Heading toward the field, Jared figured he could work for at least two or three hours on the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He found most of the hands preparing their tools and water buckets for the long day ahead.

“Good news, men. Mrs. Paxton delivered a healthy boy this morning,” he announced.

Cheers erupted, and gratitude at the men’s loyalty for their foreman surged through Jared.

“It’s about time he got a son,” Simpson shouted, and the other men called varying agreements.

“I don’t expect you’ll be seeing Paxton today. It was a long night of waiting and worrying. Simpson, I’m putting you in charge,” Jared said, and they nodded in understanding. “I want all men in the fields today. I’ll see to the stables. That should make the work go faster.”

When he reached the stables, Higgins was already grooming the horses. The man looked up and stopped mid-brush when Jared entered.

“Everything all right, sir?” Higgins asked.

“Yes. It’s a boy.” Jared grabbed a rake and went to muck out the stalls before using the pitchfork to line them with fresh hay. They worked in silence until Mary rang the bell, calling them in for breakfast.

Wiping sweat from his brow, Jared left Higgins to go wash up. As he approached the main house, a briskly moving carriage entered the driveway and surprise halted his steps. Rebecca and Josephine Davis were sitting in the back of the hired hack. Grabbing his handkerchief, he quickly wiped his hands and stuffed it back into his pocket. The vehicle pulled to a stop by the front steps and he lengthened his stride.

“Rebecca! Miss Davis. What brings you out here?”

She gave him a shy smile. “I hope you don’t mind our showing up uninvited, but I was so worried about Isabella. I sent Charlotte to check at Doctor Gordon’s this morning, but he hadn’t returned. This news didn’t set well with me. How is she?”

“In the doctor’s capable hands. You’ll be happy to know I was wrong. They have a son after all.”

“Marvelous!” Her smile broadened, and Jared’s weariness vanished.

“Mary has just put breakfast on the table. Won’t you both join me?” he asked, offering Miss Davis his hand.

“Thank you, Mr. Hollingsworth.” Her smile was as wide as Rebecca’s

Jared looked up at the sky to see if it was falling. Josephine Davis had not been pleased with him since their first meeting. Even their last meeting had been strained, and he wondered what had changed.

“We’ve already had breakfast,” Rebecca explained.

“But coffee would be nice,” Josephine added.

“Certainly,” he agreed, offering her his hand again.

After Jared had helped them both descend, Rebecca fished in her purse for some coins and paid the driver. “Can you return for us in a few hours?”

“That isn’t necessary,” Jared said. “I can have Higgins drive you and your aunt back to town.”

“We wouldn’t want to impose,” Josephine interjected.

“I insist.” Jared offered Rebecca his arm.

“Thank you, Mr. Hollingsworth,” her aunt said and followed them up the walk to the verandah.

Mary appeared at the front door as they approached. Despite her smile, she looked flustered. “I began to wonder where you got off to, Mr. Hollingsworth. Your guests are waiting.”

Jared nodded. “Please set two more places, Mary. Miss Davis and her aunt will be joining us. If you’ll excuse me ladies, I must wash up.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Davis,” Mary said, and showed them into the dining room. “Girls, Doctor Gordon, we’ve got two more additions to breakfast. Miss Davis and her aunt.”

“Good morning, Doctor Gordon,” Rebecca greeted. She glanced at her aunt who had stopped in the doorway and just stared. Slowly Josephine reached up and touched the back of her neck before coming into the room. Twin patches of color bloomed in her cheeks.

“Miss Davis, Miss Davis.” Doctor Gordon stood and bowed to them both. “How is Lucas fairing today?”

“Better, the rash is almost gone. He’s also stopped fretting so much,” Rebecca said, taking the chair the doctor pulled out for her. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he said, pulling out a chair for Josephine.

She quickened her pace to the table, allowing him to seat her. “Thank you,” she murmured.

“You’re welcome,” he said, returning to his seat. “I’m glad to hear Lucas is doing so well. I’ll drop by this afternoon to see him if you don’t mind.”

“Certainly,” Rebecca Copyright 2016 - 2024