Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,21

will be fine. I want you to go wake Mary and take her back with you to watch your sisters.”

Harmony nodded and raced to the main house. Jared watched her disappear into the shadows before he went into the stables. To his surprise, Higgins had a horse saddled waiting for him.

“I heard the child, sir. Should I go for you?”

“Thank you, Higgins, but no. I’ll go. You can go back to bed now.” He’d sent Paxton to fetch the doctor that fateful night when Charisse went into labor, so it was only right that he return the favor.

“Yes sir.”

Jared forced the horse into a gallop in the moonlit darkness. The heady scent of honeysuckle perfumed the summer air, but a skin crawling anxiety soaked his shirt, chilling him as though it was winter.

Low-hanging branches from a nearby tree scrapped his face and arms as he leaned over the horse’s neck. He pushed them out of his way, but he couldn’t do the same with his old painful memories of Charisse and their child crowding his brain.

Fear for Isabella and remorse for his own loss prompted him to push the memories aside and drive the horse to go faster. Doctor Gordon was the town’s physician now. Isabella would be fine. She wouldn’t suffer like Charisse. Jared had to believe that.

When he reached the darkened town, he headed to the doctor’s small house. He pounded on the door, guessing he’d have to wake the man from a sound sleep. He waited; then, he pounded again, harder this time. Still no answer. Panic dried his mouth. If Gordon was away attending someone, then he’d never find him in time.

Jared turned and quickly scanned the area. A dim light shined in an upper window of the hotel at the end of the street. Praying the doctor was there, he jumped on his horse and headed to the hotel.

The night clerk dozed behind the front desk, but jumped to his feet when Jared burst through the doors.

“Wh—what’s going on?” the clerk stammered.

“Have you seen Doctor Gordon?” Jared demanded.

The clerk nodded, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “H-he’s upstairs with a guest.”

“Thanks,” Jared called over his shoulder and raced toward the stairs.

“Wait, you can’t go up there,” the clerk said, following close on his heels.

Jared paid no heed to the man as he took the steps two at time. There was no time to waste.

At the second floor landing he stopped and looked down the hallway in both directions.

“Which room?”

“I’m not at liberty to give out that information.” The clerk stiffened his back to appear taller than his stubby frame. “If you persist, I’ll have no choice but to call for the sheriff.”

Jared grabbed the clerk’s shirtfront, pulling him close. “Listen, there’s a woman in childbirth needing Doctor Gordon. Are you going to tell me which room he’s in, or do I have to knock on every door, waking your guests until I find him?”

“There’s no need to get violent,” the clerk blustered, backing down. “He’s in the suite at the end of the hall.”

Jared released the man and stalked to the door. It wasn’t until he reached it that he realized this was Rebecca’s suite.

Further alarm engulfed his senses and he rapped on the door, fearing the worst. No one answered. Taking a deep breath he leaned his head against the door and knocked again. On the other side he heard the sound of Lucas’s cry and perspiration broke out on his forehead. Please God, don’t let Lucas be ill. Not now.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened. He staggered inside, his strength drained.

A wide-eyed surprised Charlotte stared at him. “Mr. Hollingsworth! What brings you here at this late hour?”

“Jared, are you all right?” Rebecca entered the room, carrying a whimpering and diaper clad Lucas in her arms. She looked like a heavenly vision wearing a white silk dressing gown with her auburn hair hanging loose around her shoulders.

For a moment, he found it difficult to speak. He swallowed hard and stumbled to the nearest chair before his legs buckled beneath him.

“Charlotte, get him some water,” she ordered.

“Yes, miss.”

The maid returned and offered him a tumbler. He drank the tepid water in several gulps. “I’m sorry to barge in, Rebecca, but I was told Doctor Gordon could be found here.” Sitting the glass on the small table he spotted a red rash all over the child’s back. “What’s wrong with Lucas?”

“He ate something that didn’t agree with him. At least that’s what the doctor Copyright 2016 - 2024