Because of Low Page 0,68

down beside Rock at the table they'd taken over at Live Bay to hear Jackdown perform.

"He just got here. It's early yet. Give him time," Preston chimed in as he plopped back down with a girl apparently attached to him. She wiggled on his lap and he licked her ear. Usual Preston behavior. The tourists were piling in and there was fresh meat everywhere. Preston would screw his way through the best looking ones for the next three months.

"I'm not drinking tonight. I dropped out of all my classes this semester before I failed them. So I figure it's time I sober up and play makeup with a few summer courses." Rock patted me on the back, "There's the old Marcus we know and love. Knew you were in there somewhere. Glad you're back."

I didn't look over at him. Because I wasn't back. I was just as dead inside sober as I was drunk. The old Marcus had been completely destroyed. Never to return.

"Smile brother, there are hot barely clothed girls crawling all over this place. And all they want are one night stands. It's freaking heaven on earth," Preston said grinning like a little boy in a candy store.

"Screwing faceless girls is getting old. I need a break from them too," I said and turned down the beer a waitress offered me. I had a bottled water. It was going to take a lot of water to cleanse me of all the alcohol I'd forced on myself.

"Break from pussy? Whatever man," Dewayne replied with disbelief in his tone.

"I thought you were going on that road trip with uh," Rock paused and glanced at me.

"You can say his name. I'm not an idiot and I don't care.

How many times do I have to tell you that it doesn't matter to me."

"Okay, um, so that road trip you were talking about with Cage. You decided to pass it up?"

Preston shrugged, "I don't know. Cage seems to be backing out of it. He's kind of changed lately." He trailed off and I could feel the tension at the table. They were so worried that one mention of Will ow would send me into a blind rage. I was past that. Sure I'd gone a little mental at the mention of her name or anything that reminded me of her for a while but I was over it. Completely numb where she was concerned.

I leaned back in my chair and watched as the sea of people danced. No one caught my attention. No one stood out to me. I was numb to more than just Will ow. I was numb to life.

She'd completely messed me up. But I survived. I was better now. I wasn't a brainless sap anymore and no female would ever have that much control over me again.

"Uh, Marcus man you sure you're all good with Will ow and stuff now?" Dewayne asked.

I glared at him. Why'd he have to keep saying her name and bringing it up?


He nodded, "Good 'cause she just walked in lookin' like a damn goddess."

I hadn't seen her since the night I'd left her standing in my father's new home. I'd avoided her at all costs and she'd done the same. Not once had she stepped foot into this place. I tried not to look for her. I told myself I didn't give a shit. But I was weak and I turned my head toward the door.

She'd lost weight.

Her hair was longer.

She had on a new dress that clung to every curve.

She was breathtaking.

And she was wrapped up in Cage York's arms.

I'd heard he didn't go out much anymore. I knew it was because of Will ow. I'd told myself he was just being her friend. That he was still sleeping around just not as much.

But the possessive gleam in his eyes as he kept her pulled up against his side told me something else. I wanted to look away. And damn I wanted not to care. She was a liar.

Cut from the same cloth as her whore sister. That's what I'd tried to convince myself over the past weeks. It never sounded believable. Even though I'd caught her there.

There were so many things about her that screamed she was nothing like her sister. Watching her as she looked nervously up at Cage as he spoke to her. He was her safety net. Just like he'd predicted. I'd left her and she'd had Cage to run back to. But she hadn't stood by and lied Copyright 2016 - 2024