Because of Low Page 0,58

was his home base and largest lot. Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the truck and headed for the front doors. The curly red hair that belonged to the secretary he supposedly had fired was the first thing I noticed. Scowling at her as I walked passed caused her smile to falter, and for the first time in my life I wanted to hurt a woman. I didn't ask if he was in his office. Talking to the whore who had broken up my family wasn't on my to do list today.

Dad glanced up as I stalked into his office.

"Marcus," he looked surprised.

"Mom asked me to come. I'm here. You got ten minutes." Frowning he nodded and motioned for me to sit down. I considered refusing and standing up so I could glare down at him the entire time but decided it may be safer if I was seated. That way if I lunged for him he'd have time to duck.

Clearing his throat my father loosened his tie and rested both elbows on the desk leaning forward.

"I know my not showing up for the family dinner upset you." I let out a hard laugh, "No dad, the fact that slut is still working for you when you told Mom you'd fired her is what has me furious at the moment."

His mouth formed a tight line and I could see my comment about his paid for toy bothered him.

"Let's leave her out of this, shal we. There are things you don't know and until you're my age and have walked in my shoes then you'll never understand."

A red haze settled over my vision.

"Your mother and I have been living as roommates for so long Marcus. She was wrapped up in her world and I was busy with work making it possible for her to live the charmed life she's lived. Making it possible for Amanda to have everything she desires. And I'd have done the same for you had you let me. Your refusal to let me help you with anything bothers me. You're my son. I want you to have the best. I can supply the best. But you've fought me every step of the way. That isn't the point," he waved his hand as if swatting those words away. "Your mother and I no longer make each other happy. Our marriage was over long before I moved on. I need affection---"

"Stop," I snarled standing up. I couldn't listen to this anymore.

"I.Don't. Care. About. Your. Needs." I bit out each word with as much venom in my voice as I could manage. "I only care about the woman who dedicated her life to making a home for me and Amanda. Making a home for you. Nothing she did warranted you running off and fucking a girl half your age. Do you really think she loves you? Really? That's stupid and pathetic. She wants your money, you stupid ass wipe."

Dad shot out of his chair, slamming it against the wall behind him. "I will not listen to you call me names. You are my son. I deserve more respect than that." A sickened angry laugh bubbled out of me and I shook my head. "Any respect I may have held for you was killed the moment you betrayed my mother."

I didn't wait for a response. I jerked open his door and slammed it in my wake needing to let some of my fury loose before I exploded. Customers and salesmen jumped and spun around to stare at the spectacle I was causing. I hoped they all left without buying a damn thing. Slicing my heated gaze through the showroom I found the girl responsible for all this. She was watching me with a shocked almost fearful expression. I wanted to hurt her.

Slam her against a wall and scream at her. But I couldn't.

So I settled for words.

"Suck him dry while you can because you won't be young forever. He'll leave you one day too. For someone younger.

A zebra doesn't change his stripes and I can assure you there is nothing about you that's special. You're just a young piece of ass."

Her jaw dropped open at my words and I heard gasp from others who'd heard me. Good. My father would think twice before he called and requested I meet with him again.

Storming out of the dealership I turned my truck toward Live Bay. It was early but I needed a beer. No, I needed a damn shot of whiskey. Copyright 2016 - 2024