Because of Low Page 0,56

It bothers me some that he hasn't opened up to me but then I haven't opened up to him either about my family issues. No matter what is going on in this family it can't be worse than what my sister has done.

My family issues are not the kind you share, ever. I needed to kill some time and give them a chance to talk privately.

Looking around the small room I noticed the sink wasn't a normal sink. It was a fancy cracked glass bowl that sits on top of a marble stand. The faucet looked like a copper spout from a pump. Turning the water on I was instantly fascinated with the way it worked. Smiling at my childlike fascination with a bathroom sink I turned the water off and turn my attention to the rest of the room. There's no bath tub or shower. A toilet sat on the other side of me and a chandelier hung from the tall ceiling. Who the heck puts a chandelier in a tiny room with nothing but a toilet and a sink.

A knock at the door startled me.

"Low, you okay?" Marcus's voice sounded concerned.

I reached and opened the door then grabbed his arm to pull him inside with me. His shocked expression made me want to laugh out loud but I didn't. The worry lines across his forehead tell me he has too much on his mind for fun and games.

"What," he asked as I close the door behind him. Turning I gaze up at his beautiful green eyes. God he is gorgeous.

"I'm giving you a chance to talk to Amanda alone. She seemed upset," I explained.

He let out a frustrated sigh and nodded.

"I'm sorry about all this," he began and I put my finger over his mouth to stop him.

"Hush. I know you're having family problems and your dad not showing up has caused a major hitch in making things better. If my being here makes everyone uncomfortable because they feel as if they have to act happy and as if nothing is wrong I need to leave. I can call," Marcus grabbed my finger gently and shook his head.

"No. You aren't calling," he pauses, "anyone. You're staying here with me. I need you here Low. I'm sorry it's all gone to shit but I need you here. Please stay with me." The pleading look in his eyes was my undoing. Of course I would stay with him. I closed the small distance between us and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him chastely before nodding.

"Then let's go do this."

He grinned for the first time since we'd drove up.

As we walked out of the powder room, Amanda was standing there waiting for us with an amused smirk on her face.

"Did ya need to go in there and help her out Marcus?" She asked with a teasing lilt to her voice.

"Shut up Manda," he replied and slipped his arm around my back. She winked at me before turning around to lead us to the dinning room. The table was huge and covered in food.

They really did family dinners up right around here. A tall elegant woman walked out of the kitchen. Her blond hair was almost white. Maybe platinum would be the best way to describe it. It was cut in a short pageboy style that suited her classic appearance. Her slender figure reminded me of Amanda. The white apron tied around her waist was so white it looked as if it had never been used. Underneath the apron she had on what appeared to be a black halter dress complete with black pumps on her feet. When you look at her one word comes to mind, rich.

"Marcus," she beamed at the sight of her son.

"Mama, this is Will ow," his hand tightened on my waist,

"Low, this is my mom, Margaret."

Margaret set the basket of bread down on the table and made her way to me smiling brightly. A little too brightly.

The pain in her eyes is impossible to mask.

"It's so nice to meet you Will ow. I've heard so much about you and you're just as beautiful as Marcus promised you were."

" It's a pleasure to meet you too. Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner." Her smile appeared to relax and become more genuine.

"I'm thrilled you came. Marcus never brings girls to dinner.

Your presence is very welcome."

"Can I help you with anything Mama?"

He called her Mama. How freaking cute was that?

"No honey, you and Will ow Copyright 2016 - 2024