Because of Low Page 0,40

special she was. I did.

Low began to stretch out her legs and a soft moan drifted from the bed. I watched fascinated as she raised her arms up over her head and finally her face peeked out from under the covers. Her small little manicured hands came down to rub her eyes and she yawned before finally opening her eyes and meeting my gaze. A slow sleepy smile spread across her face. I wasn't going to be able to sleep on the couch for long. Of this I was absolutely positive.

"Morning," I said pushing off from the door frame I'd been propped up against and making my way to the bed. She sat up and leaned back against the headboard.

"Good morning," came her reply, her voice still groggy from sleep.

I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Sleep well?"

Grinning she nodded and reached over and took my coffee.

I watched as she put the rim to her lips on the cup and took a drink.

"You like it black?"

She shrugged, "I prefer sugar and cream but you made it look so good I thought I'd take a sip."

"And was it as good as I made it look?" She scrunched her nose, "Nope."

Chuckling I took my cup back, "I'll go make you a cup the way you like it."

I started to get up and her hand grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Wait, um... we need to talk about Cage before he gets here."

I didn't want to talk about Cage. I was going to handle it.


"I'm going to talk to Cage."

She shook her head, "No, I don't think that's a good idea. I need to get him alone and talk to him. He'll get angry at you and possibly hit you. He won't hurt me. He'll listen to me. I can make him understand."

The idea of Will ow and Cage holed up in his bedroom for any length of time bothered me. I wasn't going to let her do this alone. I covered the hand she had on my arm with my free hand.

"Low, I started this. I didn't stay away when Cage warned me to. He's my roommate and I owe it to him to explain this.

I'll get him to listen to me. And if he throws a punch I can handle him. Just because I didn't grow up in a difficult neighborhood doesn't mean I don't know how to defend myself."

Nibbling her bottom lip nervously she reached up and ran her fingers through her tangled wild mass of hair. She didn't want to argue with me. I could see it in her worried expression. I stood up then bent over and slipped my finger under her chin tilting her face up to look at me.

"Trust me," I pleaded then pressed my lips against hers before straightening up and leaving the room. Hopefully she'd be in the shower when Cage got home. I'd prefer her not to be here when I talked to him.


I desperately needed a shower but I needed to be dressed and ready when Cage walked in the door. Picking up my phone to check the time I knew he'd be here soon. Cage wasn't one to hang around the morning after.

Opening my suitcase I grabbed a pair of shorts and my vintage Guns & Roses 1987 Banned Rape t-shirt. I had a thing for vintage concert t-shirts. Whenever I came across one at a thrift store I'd get all giddy. This one wasn't a thrift store find though. It was one Cage had bought for me off Ebay for my birthday last year. I wanted to help ease his anger. I figured my wearing this shirt might help. I quickly brushed my hair then pulled it to the side and braided it.

Until I could wash it, this would have to do.

The moment I opened the bedroom door I heard the key jingle in the lock. My nerves hit an all time high as the door swung open and in sauntered Cage looking incredibly hung over. His eyes met mine and he started to grin but the grin fell almost immediately. I was standing in Marcus's doorway. It wasn't a detail Cage had missed.

"Good morning Cage," I said forcing a smile. His bloodshot eyes shifted from me and found Marcus walking out of the kitchen with my cup of coffee.

"Morning," Marcus nodded to Cage as he passed him and brought me my coffee. I quickly took it from his hands, for fear Cage may suddenly lung at Marcus and burn him Copyright 2016 - 2024