Because of Low Page 0,3

because I knew he was going to get to hold her and listen to her musical voice as she spilled out all her problems. He'd be the one to fix them, not me. I'd just met her. Why the hell did that bother me?
Chapter Two

I glanced down at Cage sprawled out on the floor beside me. He'd somehow managed to find a few blankets and a pillow last night when he'd returned from his two a.m. booty call. He reeked of whiskey and sex. I didn't allow him to sleep next to me when he'd been out screwing some nameless chick, crazy boy. I resisted the urge to reach down and brush the long black hair out of his eyes. I needed to leave and if I woke him up he'd stop me. My sister was expecting me to keep my niece Larissa today. I was still furious with her but Larissa was a baby and she needed me. She couldn't help the fact her mommy was a selfish brat.

I took the quilt off the bed as I stood up and gently covered Cage's half naked body. He'd stripped down to his boxers last night in his attempt to get rid of his smoke, whiskey, and cheap women infested clothing. Didn't matter he still smelled like all those things. The ridiculously chiseled body of his was always a golden brown. His mother had been one hundred percent Indian and it was obvious in his features. The intense blue eyes of his had to be the only thing his dad gave him genetically and physically. That was one of the many bonds Cage and I shared, absent fathers.

My suitcase held the only three clean outfits I currently had.

My dirty clothes were piled up over in the corner of Cage's room in a plastic laundry basket. I really needed to make time to do the laundry. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a

"Hurricane's baseball " t-shirt Cage had given me from my meager supply of clothing, I dressed quickly and quietly.

After I'd brushed my hair, I closed my suitcase and threw my clothing from last night into the dirty clothes basket.

Gently closing the bedroom door behind me so I didn't wake him, I turned and headed for the fridge. I needed some coffee and I wanted to leave some ready for Cage when he woke up. Lord knows he'd need it after his late night.

"I thought you left last night."

I spun around to see Marcus Hardy sitting at the kitchen table with a newspaper and a cup of coffee already in his hands. I really wish he wasn't so dang gorgeous. Marcus Hardy wasn't in my league or even my atmosphere. How Cage had landed a Hardy for a roommate, I had no idea.

Preston must be really tight with Marcus which seemed odd since Preston grew up much like Cage and me.

"Um, no, that was Cage that left last night." Marcus frowned that disapproving frown I'd seen last night again. He really didn't get Cage and me at all. I wasn't sure if he was judging me or Cage but it annoyed me. Even though he had the prettiest green eyes I'd ever seen on a guy in my life.

"Cage isn't here?"

I shook my head, "No, he's back. He had a um, call last night and he went out. He got back a few hours ago."

"So he left you here while he went... out" I sighed and reached for a coffee cup.


"I was going to make me some eggs and toast. You want some?"

That hadn't been the response I'd expected. I was sure he was going to beat this thing with Cage and me into the ground. Instead, he was offering to fix me breakfast.

"No thanks, I've got to go keep my niece today." I held up the coffee mug in my hand, "I take mugs full of coffee with me when I leave but I always bring them back." Marcus shrugged, "No worries. They aren't mine anyway."

"I know. I bought them for Cage when he got this place." Marcus stood up and walked over to the fridge and began getting eggs and butter out. If I was honest with myself I really wanted to stand here and watch him cook. Then eat breakfast with him and see if I could make him smile. I felt sure he had a really nice smile. Those green eyes would probably twinkle.

"If you're sure you can't stay. My cooking is pretty damn impressive."

Marcus reached over Copyright 2016 - 2024