Because of Low Page 0,26


I nodded while yawning.

"I'd say I'd watch her for you at the apartment so you could sleep but I can't miss class or I'll have to sit out a game."

"I know. I'll crash after Tawny gets her. Good news is, I don't work tonight."

Cage turned on the radio and we drove back to the apartment in comfortable silence.


I'd been awake since I'd heard Cage leave. It was too early for him to be up especially since he got in so late last night.

Which could only mean one thing. Will ow had called him.

After last night, I'd hoped she'd call me next time.

Apparently not.

I just finished making another pot of coffee when the door opened. Cage came walking in, a little girl with short blond ringlets bouncing around her head was in his arms. Big green eyes bright and excited scanned the apartment before they landed on me. Will ow stepped in behind them carrying a large pink polka dot bag and dropped it on the chair beside the door. She wore tiny shorts I remembered the cheerleaders wearing back in high school when they practiced. Those shorts were meant to drive guys crazy.

The blue hoodie she was wearing had Hurricanes baseball on the front and it was entirely too big for her. I'd seen Cage in it more than once.

"I'll go get the car seat out of the car and bring it up then I gotta change and go," Cage told Will ow.

She covered her mouth to stifle a yawn. Last night must not have gone well.

"'Kay, thanks," she replied then reached for the little blonde who clung to Cage's shirt.

"Come on Larissa let's get you some breakfast. Cage has to go to school."

"Cay," the little blonde said loudly patting Cage's chest.

"Yes that's Cage. Now kiss him goodbye and come with me."

She turned and gave Cage a very loud wet kiss on his face that looked like it may have had a little licking involved.

Cage laughed, "Now that's the way to start a guy's day Larissa."

Holding out her pudgy little arms she went to Will ow.

"Good morning Marcus," Will ow said as she walked into the kitchen with Larissa.

"Bad night?"

She shrugged and a little frown puckered her brow. "You could say that."

"Larissa, this is my friend Marcus. He lives with Cage now," she looked from the little girl to me, "Marcus this is my niece Larissa."

I sat my coffee cup down and reached out to take her little hand in mine and shake it.

"It's very nice to meet you Larissa."

She burst into a fit of high pitched giggles and clapped when I let her hand go.

"She's a flirt, so beware," Will ow warned and walked over to the table. I watched as she sat Larissa in a chair then squatted down so she was eye level with the little girl.

"I can make you pancakes or eggs or if you want I bet Cage would let you have some of his Coco Puffs." Larissa nodded happily.

"Okay, I'm not making you all three. You've got to pick one.

Pancakes, eggs, or cereal."

Larissa's expressive eyes met mine and she grinned. The kid was adorable.

"Cay's cedeul."

I nodded and stood up, "Cage's cereal it is." Her shoulders were slumped under the oversized hoodie and there were circles under her eyes. I didn't like her being so tired.

"I've got it. You sit down with Larissa and if you're really good I'll make you an omelet."

She stopped and tilted her head to the side and studied me. I held her gaze.


I closed the distance between us and reached up to gently rub my thumb over the tired circles under her eyes.

"Because you're exhausted. Because I want to. Because I'm trying really hard to get you to trust me." Her breathing hitched and at that moment I wanted to forget Cage was in the other room and there was a little blonde doll sitting over in the chair watching us. All I wanted was to kiss her. Instead, I dropped my hand and stepped back.

"Okay," she said in a small breathy voice.

"Good. Now go sit down and let me fix you some coffee." She nodded and obediently went and sat down next to Larissa.

"Martus," Larissa announced and then proceeded to clap loudly.

I glanced up at the table while I poured Will ow's coffee.

Will ow was grinning at me, "I do believe you've been awarded the honor of Larissa adding your name to her limited vocabulary."

So Larissa liked me. I winked at her and she giggled again clapping her small Copyright 2016 - 2024