Because of Low Page 0,25

keep her with me.

"This is it," she said with a sleepy tone to her voice.

Unbuckling her seatbelt she reached for the handle on the door then glanced back at me, "Thank you for the ride tonight. I don't know how you knew I needed a ride but I'm very thankful you showed up. I'm exhausted and walking would have sucked."

I'd overheard Cage talking to her earlier on the phone. I knew from his end of the conversation that she needed a ride tonight but that she was going to get one from a coworker. I figured she was either telling Cage a lie to appease him and needed a ride or she had a ride but would cave in and let me take her home if I just showed up.

I'd been pretty dang determined when I walked into the restaurant tonight that I would be walking out with Low beside me.

"Yeah well I got my ways. But you know it would be easier on my superhuman powers if you'd call me next time. That way I won't have to use my mind reading skills." She giggled, "Okay I'll do that. I wouldn't want to be the cause of you overusing your super powers."

"My thoughts exactly. It would be incredibly helpful." Her laughter faded and she smiled at me then turned and stepped out of the truck.

I thought about walking her to the door but then I'd kiss her and suddenly that first kiss had become incredibly important. I didn't want it to be outside her sister's house.

Somewhere she hated. I wanted it to be somewhere she'd remember fondly. So instead I watched her until she was safely inside before I backed out of the drive and headed home.


When I got my hands on Tawny I was going to strangle her.

No strangling would be too good for her. I was going to pull out her hair one strand at a time. No, I was going to pull it out in large handfuls at at time. How were we even related?

If it wasn't for the fact we shared the same exact hair color as our mother then I'd swear I was switched at birth. What crazy mother doesn't call or even come home in time to get her baby? I mean really! Who does that? I shifted Larissa up higher on my hip and carried her diaper bag on my other arm. Her car seat sat on the gravel road beside my feet.

The child required more stuff to just go somewhere than I actually owned. Kissing her sweet head I snuggled her close to me. I refused to leave her with the crazy cat lady when I knew good and well my sister didn't have to work today.

Cage pulled up beside me before jumping out of the car and running around to help me with Larissa and her bag.

"Here, I'll buckle her car seat in."

Cage had become a pro at car seat instal ation since Larissa was born. More times than not he'd had to come to our rescue.

He turned around and took Larissa out of my arms, "Hey baby girl," he cooed at her while cradling her in his arms.

She loved Cage. The girl was a sucker for men. Especially attractive men. Bless her heart she took after her Mama.

Her pudgy hand reached up and patted his cheek, "Cay" she announced loudly. She'd recently started calling him

"Cay". She hadn't mastered the "g" sound yet.

"Yep Cage has got his girl. Now come on let's get you buckled up."

Once he had her secured he stood up and pulled me into his arms.

"Bad morning," he said rubbing my back. I simply nodded and let him comfort me. He was so good at it.

" It's okay now. I got ya. Let's get squirt to the apartment and then we'll worry about finding her Mama. Tawny is bound to show up sometime today."

"Yes, but I'm missing classes because she didn't show up on time," I grumbled.

"She's a selfish bitch. This isn't anything new. You know that."

With a defeated sigh I sank down into the passenger seat of Cage's black mustang and laid my head back on the seat. I was still tired. Larissa had woke up at four with a belly ache and then again at six. I needed more sleep than that. It would have probably been pointless to go to class today anyway. I wasn't sure I could have kept my eyes open while listening to a lecture.

"She keep you up a lot last Copyright 2016 - 2024