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back of your head through the window and came in. I didn't see anyone else."

"No it's okay. What're you doing here?" Marcus body was strung tight as a bow. Something was off with this situation.

Who was Sadie?

"It's Amanda. She stayed over at my place last night. I took her home this morning and your Mom was well... anyway, uh, she's outside in the Hummer and upset. I didn't know what else to do." The sound of the girl's musical voice was not helping my imagination. She had an odd affect on Marcus.

"No you did the right thing. I'm coming." I heard the door shut and Marcus let out a defeated sigh.

"I gotta go check on her."

"Of course you do." I stepped out from around him this time and went to the other washing machine that had stopped to unload it.

He stared at me as if he was going to say something else but instead shook his head and left the room and his dirty laundry forgotten.

I got my other two loads in the dryer then put a load of his dark clothes in to wash.

Standing in the washroom without Marcus suddenly felt cold and lonely. He'd almost kissed me. He'd come to see me last night. But then Sadie had shown up. She affected him.

Why? Jess, Sadie... there were many girls in his life. Just like Cage. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. I needed to finish up and get ready for work.
Chapter Six

Sadie was twirling a strand of her blond hair around her finger. She did that a lot when she was nervous. "I am so sorry I walked in on that Marcus. I feel like an idiot," she began explaining as soon as I made it to Jax Stone's Hummer.

"No worries," which wasn't exactly the truth. Sadie walking in on me about to kiss Will ow had screwed with my head a little. Sadie had wrapped me so tightly around her finger not too long ago I'd expected to feel something when I turned around and saw her standing there with Will ow's warm body pressed against my back. But I hadn't. Nothing. No ache at the sight of her. Absolutely nothing. Righteous anger at my father and the hell he was putting my mom and sister through, yes, I'd felt that. Worry for Amanda, yes, I'd felt that. But nothing for Sadie. My immediate response was to protect Will ow. Not sure what I was protecting her from but none the less that had been my goal.

Sadie opened the door and Amanda sat curled up in the corner sniffling like a little girl. My heart broke. It was like I'd stepped back in time and the little sister I loved and protected needed me to fight off the monsters under her bed again. But this time the damn monster was our father.

He was ripping us apart for a twenty year old whore. Or however old she was. She was young. That's all I knew.

"He didn't come home last night and Mama won't come out of her room. She's screaming and packing her things.

She's running away." A choked sob escaped her and she buried her face in her hands again. My spoiled sweet little sister hadn't ever had to deal with life's shit. She'd been given everything she wanted. Her life had been cake and ice cream, until now.

"Come on baby, I'm going to talk to Mama and I'll get her calmed down. She isn't going to run away. I promise."

"She can stay with me if you need her too. We've already missed an hour of school. Might as well make it a day." I glanced over at Sadie and nodded. That was probably a good idea. What I had to say to Mama probably didn't need to be heard by Amanda.

"You want to stay with Sadie while I go handle Mama?" She nodded slowly looking up at me with a tear streaked face.

I leaned inside and hugged her, "It's going to be okay sis.

I'm here and no matter what, I will fix this mess."

"K," she muttered against my chest.

I knew I was making a promise I might not be able to keep but I said it anyway.

"Thanks Sadie," I said letting go of Amanda and stepping back so she could climb inside the Hummer. Jax supplied a Hummer and a chauffeur for Sadie complete with black privacy windows. Since the world found out Sadie White was Jax Stone's girlfriend she'd become a celebrity.

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