Because I Want To - Grace R. Duncan Page 0,58

since his butt had been flossed since he got dressed several hours earlier. He wasn’t going to waste that.

He also had plans for that evening, aside from showing Matt the thong. If he didn’t go through with it then, he was afraid he’d never do it. Even so, when they got to the room, Adam took a few moments to unpack the suitcase and put their toiletries and clothes away. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over the back of the chair, but Matt took it right away and hung it up.

After he took off his shoes and socks, he realized he couldn’t delay any longer. Swallowing his nerves, he stepped up to Matt and cupped his face in one hand, staring into Matt’s eyes. “I can’t believe we’re married.”

“Me either. I mean… I always said we’d get married, but—”

“But saying it as kids and actually doing it is a whole different thing. Yeah.” Adam closed the distance, catching Matt’s lips in a soft kiss. Matt’s arms came around him, and they opened their mouths at the same time, tongues touching, then sliding.

There was no reason on the planet for that kiss to be different. They were no different than they’d been the night before, or the week before, or the month before. And yet, somehow, there seemed to be a little something… more. Was it his imagination? Or maybe it was what they’d done.

Or what he wanted to do.

When they broke apart, he ran his fingers lightly down Matt’s jaw, then moved to undo the tie. Adam had to drop his gaze to see what he was doing because he couldn’t seem to calm down. If he didn’t get Matt naked soon, he was afraid he’d lose his nerve.

“What’s wrong, Adam?”

Adam swallowed. “Uh, I, uh, have a bit of a surprise for you.” He’d hide his nervousness behind the thong. He didn’t want to make any promises, because if he couldn’t do it, it’d disappoint Matt a thousand times more than if he never said anything in the first place and didn’t end up going through with it.

Matt raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”

Adam took a deep breath and decided to at least just get the undressing part over with. He pulled at his tie and took it off, but when he reached for his shirt buttons, Matt stopped him and stepped forward again.

“Let me, please.”

Thankfully, though, Matt didn’t take too much time. He didn’t rip the shirt open, but he didn’t dwell on each button either. Adam wanted to get Matt’s shirt off too, but they couldn’t exactly work at the same time, so he held on to his patience until Matt got Adam’s sleeves unbuttoned and the shirt off, and then Adam attacked Matt’s. He fumbled a little more than he would have liked but managed to keep from popping any buttons off and finally had his husband half-naked.

Adam had to clear his throat before he could speak. “I think you’ve toned a little,” he murmured, running his hands down over Matt’s chest. “How’d you manage that?”

“Hauling you off the couch,” Matt said, chuckling.


Matt held his hands up. “Hey, I got you this way! It’s my fault!”

Adam couldn’t suppress the chuckle. “Okay, I won’t make you sleep in the lobby.” He chuckled again at Matt’s breath of relief. “It’s only going to get worse.”

“And I look forward to every minute of it.” Matt tilted Adam’s face down and stole Adam’s breath again with the depth of another kiss. When they broke apart, he ran his hand down over Adam’s chest, then belly, pausing over the outside of his pants. “Are you bigger?”

Adam nodded. “Yeah, a bit. It’s easier to see if I’m naked.”

Matt grinned. “Should we make you naked, then?”

That made Adam laugh and eased a bit of his tension. “We’ll get there.” He did want to get things moving, though, and concentrated on opening Matt’s belt and the button of his dress pants. Adam never got tired of undressing Matt, never got tired of touching him. He couldn’t resist a grin at the black barely briefs Matt had on. “Well, then. Where did you get these?”

“Parker convinced me they’d be a good idea. He figured neither of us is exactly going to wear lingerie, but a little something less…tighty-whitie wouldn’t be a bad thing.”

Adam laughed. “I supposed that’s true.” He stepped back, reaching for his own belt. When Matt tried to move in, Adam held up a finger, then, with a grin, opened his pants Copyright 2016 - 2024