Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,96

he’d made over her and himself. He was now stretched out on the bed with her nestled against his left side—where she could no doubt hear the thudding of his heart—his arm around her, while he held the hand she’d placed on his stomach, the hand that had caused him to spill his seed with such force that he’d nearly lost consciousness. Periodically, he brought it to his lips and planted a kiss on her knuckles, her palm, her fingertips, her wrist.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d experienced such satisfaction after sex. It was an odd thing, especially considering the manner in which he’d gained his release. He hadn’t been buried deep inside her. He hadn’t felt her muscles throbbing around his cock when she found her own release. He regretted that, wanted to know the tightness of her, wanted no part of her to go untouched. But he wouldn’t ruin her for a moment’s satisfaction that might cause her a lifetime of remorse.

“As far as mistakes go,” she said quietly, “I do believe it’s one of the better ones I’ve made.”

Chuckling low, he kissed the top of her head, loving the way her hair fanned out over the pillow, across his chest.

“I used to feel sorry for prostitutes but if they experience that—”

“I doubt they seldom do. Talk to Jewel. She’ll tell you honestly.”

“Do mistresses, do you think?”

“Depends on the selfishness of her lover, I should imagine.” He skimmed his fingers up and down her arm. He didn’t want to think about her taking a lover and yet the possibility of it hung heavy over his heart.

She began rubbing her instep over his calf, up, down, around. “I lied. My fire didn’t go out.”

“I know. I saw the firelight dancing over the wall.” Against his chest, he felt her smile form, and somehow it seemed as intimate as everything else they’d done.

“Do you think your sister was encouraging us to do this by putting us in chambers with a door between?”

“Gillie isn’t usually duplicitous, but there’s an entire other wing she could have put me in.” He shook his head. “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.”

“This wasn’t a lesson, was it?”

He brought her hand up, whispered, “No,” against her knuckles. Kissed them.

“Where do we go from here?”

“I don’t know.” It was humbling to realize he was not as strong-willed as he’d always thought himself to be, at least not where she was concerned. “Not a single night has passed that I haven’t wanted to follow you into your bedchamber.”

“Not a single night has passed that I haven’t wanted you to.”

He groaned low. “Thea—”

Rising up onto her elbows, she met and held his gaze. “You’re not taking advantage if it’s what I want. If we can pleasure each other without my losing my virginity, where’s the harm?”

Could he resist the temptation of possessing her fully? She knew not what she asked of him. But neither could he turn away the pleasure of having her naked in his arms. “You have to promise you won’t open your door to me unless it is what you want.”

“I promise.”

Cupping her head, he settled her back into the crook of his shoulder. Silence eased in between them. He didn’t mind it. It contained a comfortableness. He could hear her breathing, and that sound he especially liked.

“I probably shouldn’t linger much longer,” she said. “The maids will be coming in soon to relight the fires.”

On the hearth here only embers remained, dying out one by one. “I didn’t realize they did that. I’ve never stayed overnight in a noble’s house before.”

He’d visited his sisters several times in their grand residences—was pleased that they had such fine living accommodations—but had never seen any reason not to return to his own place at the end of the visit. While he had servants at his residence, they saw to the needs of the women more than his. They certainly didn’t go about lighting any fire he might want.

“I assumed as much when you offered to stir my fire. You should have said, ‘I’ll ring for a servant.’”

“Why would I do that when I can see to the matter myself?”

“Because that’s the way it’s done.”

Quickly, he rolled over onto her. She gave a little squeak, slapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as they took him in. He had a clear view of her face because he’d hemmed her in between his arms and was resting on his elbows. “Besides, I thought you enjoyed the way Copyright 2016 - 2024