Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,82

her gloves had been another matter that had added to his recent absences. Taking out one, she drew it onto her hand, not at all surprised to find it fit perfectly, encasing her hand snugly. Once more she raised her gaze to his and found he now appeared completely at ease, and she wondered if he’d been worried she wouldn’t like his gift. “Thank you.”

His shrug was slight, barely enough movement to be noticed, as though he didn’t know what to do with the appreciation cast his way. After removing the glove, she tucked it into the box, set it on the table, and wrapped her fingers around the stem of her sherry glass.

“I thought when I go in for my fitting tomorrow I would do some additional shopping, pick up a few other items my wardrobe is lacking.” Gloves had been at the top of the list. “I want to take Hester with me, teach her how a maid accompanies her mistress.”

“She’ll enjoy that. I’ll see about having Aiden’s carriage made available to you, so it’ll be easier to get about with all your packages.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Tell me what you think the other ladies would enjoy as an occupation.”

“Flora, obviously gardening, since she already putters about here. I thought you could have your gardener teach her. Lottie has incredible taste in decor.” She waved her hand to encompass the room. “These people who are gaining wealth could use someone to give their homes style. You could help her set up her business. Lily, Ruby, and Pearl would make excellent companions. I can teach them how to manage that.”

“How long will that take?”

“No more than three months.” She grinned. “You’re going to pay that two thousand pounds.”

“Money well spent.”

She liked the easy camaraderie that had returned to them, halfway wished she had never asked him to teach her how to be a seductress. Before she came here, life had seemed so despairing, and she’d seen little hope for the future. Now it suddenly seemed filled with promise. “What will you do when the ladies are no longer . . . entertaining?”

“Jewel wants to turn this place into a boardinghouse, let rooms.” His lips spread slowly into a smile, and she thought of other things he did slowly. “We’ll have to hire Lottie to make all the rooms on the floor below more suitable to a permanent resident.”

She imagined everything within them would need to be replaced. “The front parlor must be redone.”

“It is rather gaudy.”


They settled into a comfortable silence. Deciding they’d exhausted all topics of conversation for now, she opened the book he’d written.

“My family will be gathering for Christmas.”

Lifting her gaze, she gave him a soft smile. It was difficult to believe that Christmas would arrive the following Thursday. “How lovely for you.”

“I’d like you to join us Christmas Eve.”

Staring at him, she couldn’t have been more stunned if he’d suddenly discarded all his clothing. “Half your family is now of the nobility. You can’t possibly think the nobles would welcome me.”

“For the ladies who reside here, Christmas Eve and into Christmas is the busiest time of the year. Men without families or sweethearts are lonely and seek comforting arms. Jewel provides a very welcoming atmosphere, more so than usual. Liquor flows. The women chat, dance, and flirt. And yes, they take men to bed. Seldom quietly. Do you really want to be upstairs, alone, listening to all the festivities?”

“I am scandalous, the daughter of a treasonous—”

“My siblings and I are all unlawful, no doubt the product of scandal. Those who married them created scandal by doing so. Thea, I doubt there is a drawing room in all of London where you would be more welcomed or feel more at home.”

“Who all will be there?”

“Gillie and Thorne as the gathering is at their residence. Then Mick and Aslyn. Mick was the first of us our mum took in, so he’s always been seen as the eldest and he’s not shy about flaunting that role. Aiden and Selena, Finn and Lavinia, Fancy and Rosemont. Then there are the children. Mick, Finn, and Gillie each have a daughter. Aiden has a son. Gillie’s babe is the eldest, close to eighteen months now, I think. Then there’s an orphan lad named Robin whom we’ve all taken in. We don’t know his actual age, but I’d put him at about ten. Loves anything to do with animals. He lives with Finn and Lavinia at their horse farm. Our mum will be there, Copyright 2016 - 2024