Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,30

my solicitor draw up the terms of our agreement.”

She peered over at him. “How will you word the additional arrangement we made?”

“Innocuously. I’ll give some thought to it. My main concern involves the financial arrangements so it’s clear and we can’t take advantage of each other.”

“I trust your word.”

He gave her an ironic twist of his lips. “Are you not the woman who just lamented that men are unreliable creatures when it comes to always doing good?”

She smiled, blushed, looked out the window. “I suppose I am. I’ll have to work tonight. They’re counting on me. But I’ll give my notice to Mac. Hopefully, beginning tomorrow, he can have one of the other girls step in for me.”

“I’ll pay five pounds for any of your shifts worked by someone else until he can find a replacement for you.”

Studying him, she bit her lower lip. “Could one of your ladies not take the position?”

“They earn more working here. That is one of the challenges you’ll face. Few occupations for women pay as well, so you’ll need to determine what each of them can be passionate about. Because if it’s not going to bring them as much money, it must bring them joy.”

“Perhaps I should have known that before I agreed to your terms.”

“Until the contract is signed, you can walk away.”

“I have no desire to walk away.” She glanced over at the clock. “I have to leave. I could move in tomorrow if that’s acceptable to you.”

“More than acceptable. I’d like to get the ladies started as soon as possible.”

“Good. Is there a particular time that would work best?”

“I could send a carriage round for you about ten.”

“You have a carriage?”

“No, but my brother does. I can borrow it. It’ll make it easier to transport your things.”

“I have very little to transport. They literally tossed us out with little save the clothes on our backs and a few personal items. I’ll take a hansom.”

He nodded. “Did you want to see your chamber before you leave? In case the sight of it changes your mind?”

“As long as it has a bed, I won’t change my mind.”

He hated knowing how little had been left to her. A duke’s daughter reduced to being content with scraps. She would discover within this residence there were no scraps. Anything she wanted, she would have. He would see to it.

In the foyer, he retrieved her cloak from the rack and draped it over her narrow shoulders. He shrugged into his own coat.

“You don’t have to walk me home,” she said.

“I don’t intend to.”

She looked both disappointed and pleased, as though craving independence but also a man to care enough to watch over her.

He did take satisfaction in her quick laugh when he hailed a cab. “I should have known you’d not let me walk home alone.”

“I didn’t think to ask. How is your head?”

“Better. The area is still tender, but the knot is not as large.”

“Good.” He gave the driver her address. “Wait for her to ready herself, then take her to the Mermaid and Unicorn. This should see your time well compensated.” He handed up the coins.

The man gave them a quick look, doffed his hat. “Very good, sir.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she said.

“We have an arrangement now. Besides, haven’t you yet learned that when you tell me I don’t have to do something, it doesn’t stop me from doing it?”

“I do hope we won’t be at cross-purposes for the next three months.”

“I very much doubt we will be.” Although his cock was going to disagree with a vengeance.

He assisted her into the cab. “Send word if there is anything you need.”

“I require nothing more than what we agreed to.”

As the driver sent the horse into a trot, Beast crossed his arms and watched until she disappeared from sight. He was quite looking forward to proving her wrong.

Chapter 7

He didn’t come into the Mermaid that night. Althea had barely been able to properly attend to her customers with all the minutes she’d become lost in watching the door, willing him to stride through it.

After catching Mac scowling at her several times, she was rather certain he was relieved she’d given her notice. With Benedict’s generous offer, he’d had no trouble finding a couple of the other serving girls willing to take her shifts. One even had a friend who’d been looking for an opportunity to work at the Mermaid, so that eased her guilt at leaving so abruptly.

When they’d closed for the night, and Copyright 2016 - 2024