Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,133

“I don’t suppose you’ll come to the wedding next month, give me away.”

“I doubt matters will be settled by then. It’s important that we keep to the shadows and not associate with the aristocracy. It might bring you danger to be seen with us. It’s better if those with whom we’re presently . . . associating believe we’ve cut all ties with our past. But I do wish you every happiness.”

She couldn’t help herself. She flung her arms around his neck, hugged him tightly. “Please be certain that you do nothing that will prevent my children from knowing you someday.”

His arms were sure and strong as he enclosed her in his embrace. “Don’t worry yourself. We’ll be back in your life before you know it.”

She certainly hoped so.

When he released her, Griffith clasped her to his strong, lean body. “Who’d have ever thought I’d miss you?”

Her arms closed securely around him. “Watch his back and yours. I love you both. Please take care not to break my heart.”

He stepped back. “You take care as well. Let Trewlove know if he doesn’t treat you well, he’ll answer to us.”

“That won’t even be an issue.”

“I know. I saw the way he looked at you that night, but still it had to be said.”

“We have to go,” Marcus stated, “but we’ll take the funds. They’ll prove useful.”

“If you ever need anything of me—”

He gave her a nod. “We know.”

He opened the door. She followed her brothers through it and watched with sadness as they disappeared into the darkness.

They were married in St. George’s. So many people were in the church that Althea had told Beast she couldn’t decide if they’d forgotten what her father had done, forgotten she was his daughter, or resolved that she shouldn’t be made to suffer for grievous actions over which she’d had no say.

But the breakfast that followed at the Duke and Duchess of Glasford’s residence was a more exclusive affair, only family and close friends, so his mum would feel comfortable attending.

Still, it was quite formal with white lace-covered tables spread throughout the large dining hall. Beast and Althea sat at a long table facing the room. They shared the table with his mum and his parents.

As the food was served, he leaned toward Althea and whispered, “I’d rather be nibbling on you.”

Although she blushed, her eyes warmed. “Maybe we should eat quickly.”

“Do you think anyone would notice if we just . . . disappeared?” He hadn’t made love to her since she’d agreed to become his wife. He was quite looking forward to taking her slowly, then quickly, then slowly again.

“As we’re the guests of honor, I think so.”

A tapping on a glass caught his attention, and he realized his father had stood. When everyone grew silent, the duke said, “Before we get started, I have a few words I’d like to say.

“When I was a young lad of sixteen, one evening near dusk, I looked across the glen and caught sight of Mara frolicking in the stream . . . and that was it for me. I fell madly in love, wanted no one else. I imagined the children we would have, the weddings we’d attend, the grandchildren we would spoil.” He shook his head. “But Fate, she is a fickle lass. The dreams Mara and I dreamed, the lovely future we whispered about beneath the moon whenever we snuck out through our bedchamber windows and met near the stream . . . well, they were not to be.

“Until today. We have our lad back. We attended his wedding. And, yes, we’re once again dreaming of spoiling a grandbairn or two.

“But we wouldnae be here, wouldnae have our dreams returned to us, if not for Ettie Trewlove. You gave our lad the family we couldn’t. You kept the promise you made to Mara, to love him as your own. Which I’m thinking, based on the name so many people call him, was no easy task.”

Beast grinned as laughter echoed around him. When it grew quiet again, his father continued.

“We thank you from the depths of our hearts for that. And we thank his brothers and sisters. It’s clear you have a special bond, which you all appear to be too smart to take for granted. And now Benedict has a lovely wife whom we’re looking forward to getting to know.

“To that end, I’d like to bestow upon our son and our new daughter a Scottish blessing. Because there are so many English crowded into this Copyright 2016 - 2024