Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,131

lass,” the duke said. “We look forward to welcoming you into the family.”

“Thank you.” Before the duchess, she lowered herself, her gown blossoming out around her. “When you asked me to come tonight, it wasn’t so he would see the way of things and understand. You asked me to come so I would see the way of things and understand.”

The Duchess of Glasford smiled, and it was the most beautiful smile Althea had ever seen. “I wasnae there to comfort him when he was a wee lad and had hurts. When we were in Scotland, I could see that he was hurting without you, but now I could do something to try and stop the hurt. So, yes, I goaded you into coming, hoping it would go as I expected it would. So forgive me for that, Miss Stanwick, but know this. I have had the love of a Campbell man since I was fifteen years old. I know the lengths to which such a man will go for the woman he loves. I would not wish it upon any woman to be denied the sort of love that runs so deep.”

“I will work to be the best daughter-by-marriage you could ever hope for.”

“As long as you love my son and make him happy, you will be.”

“That’s an easy enough task you’re asking of me.”

When they walked away from his parents, they soon found themselves surrounded by his family, all except for Ettie Trewlove, who didn’t attend affairs such as this. So many hugs, so many smiles. Funny how life could take a detour that could seem so wrong at the time but eventually would turn out to be right.


Pivoting around, she smiled. “Hello, Kat.”

“I wanted to offer my congratulations on your betrothal.”

“Thank you. You were, of course, introduced to the earl.”

“Yes, when we arrived.”

Althea glanced over at the silent sentinel with his hand resting reassuringly against her lower back. “Lady Kathryn is a dear friend, who recently offered some wise counsel.”

“Lady Kathryn, it’s a pleasure.” He bowed slightly.

“My lord.” Kat gave a small curtsy, before giving her attention back to Althea. “I was hoping you might come around for tea when you have time. In the parlor.”

“I’d like that very much.”

“Wonderful. I have to dash. My next dance is claimed. Do take care.” With that, she was gone.

Althea couldn’t help but believe that in time, she’d be welcomed into more parlors. But at the moment she had more pressing concerns. She looked up at the man she loved so deeply. “Will you waltz with me?”

He gave her the smile that made him so achingly beautiful. “I thought you would never ask.”

She laughed as he swept her onto the dance floor with so much grace that she knew she was envied.

“What you were saying to my mother earlier . . . You’ve spoken with her before.”

“Yesterday she came to see me. I don’t know if I would have come if she hadn’t, although I was seriously thinking about it. I’ve missed you so much.”

“You’ll never have to miss me again.”

“She didn’t tell you she’d visited with me?”


“But you had your family waiting, even though you didn’t know if I would show. When you needed them to be with you in here.”

“Did you honestly believe I would have you face these people alone? I will always protect you, however I must. And if I can’t be there, my family will be.”

She was not going to weep in the middle of a waltz. “I can almost forgive my father—not for the plot against the Crown—but for the role he had in changing the course of my life. I might have never met you otherwise.”

“What a tragedy that would have been.”

His words held no teasing, just an absolute conviction. He meant them. She couldn’t imagine how unsatisfactory her life would have been without him to love. “We have each other now.”

“Now and forever.”

Chapter 32

Two nights later, lying in her bed, she listened intently for any sound at her window. That morning she’d gone to the address Griffith had left with her, delivered the message he’d told her would bring them to her. She’d been on edge ever since, whenever a floorboard creaked, a door was closed, a bump echoed somewhere. She’d left a candle burning in the window so they’d know which room was hers.

Then she heard a click. A pebble against glass. She scrambled out of bed, rushed to the window as another click sounded, and looked out. Only darkness greeted her. Copyright 2016 - 2024