Beauty In Her Madness (Winterland Tale #3) - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,47

screams from far away filled my ears; the girl’s cry sent bullets of terror through me. Shattered images hovered at the cusp of my consciousness.

“Dinah! Run!”

Chapter 14

Growls nipped at my heels, panic pounded in my chest, sobs hiccupping in my throat as my little legs ran forward, my feet stumbling, crashing into the stone.

No! I could feel the monster getting closer, slamming terror into my veins, but I couldn’t get up.

Fighting against the invisible hold, I struggled to rise, feeling darkness crawling over me, my little body shaking with fear.

A snarl echoed off the walls right behind me. My body stilled, not able to turn around and look at it.

I stood frozen in place, and I felt it stand behind me. A wet cry belted from my mouth as a claw scraped up the back of my neck. “Little one.”

Hands grabbed me.

“No!” Kicking and screaming, I shoved at the monster, scratching and clawing, my nails digging into its flesh.

“Dinah!” Fingers twined in my hands, pinning them down. “Stop!”

His deep voice yanked me from my dream, bolting me awake with a lurch, my lungs sucking in air.

Frost crouched over me, his hair damp and smoothed back, his intense look drilling into me.

Sitting up, I glanced around, seeing I was in one of the passageways, but once again, it looked nothing like it had before everything went black. No stairs, no dead end.

“Wha-what happened?” I started to rise. Frost grabbed my arms, pulling me up as if I weighed nothing.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” He slanted his head, his lips rolling together.

Damn, they are full and sexy. It’s totally okay to be curious how they would feel, right? I mean, anyone would. He has the most perfect mouth I’ve ever seen.

“Dinah?” He snapped his fingers in my face, jolting my attention fully back to him. “How the fuck did you get out of the cell?”

I stared at him. I was not going to give up Chip.

“Tell me!” He clutched my arms. “It should be impossible.”

“Only if you believe it is.” I smiled smugly back, thinking my answer would piss him off. Instead, a slow smirk twitched his mouth.

“There is a little of the other Dinah in there.”

“You talk like you knew me so well. I was seven, right? A child. Plus, wasn’t I more friends with Blaze than you?” I lowered my lids on him.

“Yes.” He inclined closer to me, his grip on my arms still tight. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t know you.” He tilted his head, his mouth almost brushing my ear. “Probably better than Blaze. I saw you, Dinah. I still do. I could demolish you, peel away everything, wreck, crush, and spread you open and still know every piece to put you back together again.”

His tall, well-built physique loomed over mine. His smell and energy felt overpowering and severe, scaring me in a deeper way. The kind that knows he could do exactly what he claimed.

“Funny, because I know nothing about you. Nor do I care to.” I lifted my chin haughtily.

“Oh, little Liddell, you are wrong on both counts.” He smirked, his face getting within an inch of mine. “You made me who I am.” His sneer shifted into something dangerous, alarm running down my limbs.

“Let me go.” I tugged to free my arm. “I need to go home.”

He yanked me away from the wall. “You are home.” His hand manacled around my wrist, and he marched down the hall, pulling me along.

“Frost! No. Don’t do this. Please.”

He stopped short, spinning around on me, anger bristling off him.

“Funny, that was exactly what I had said to you,” he growled, his blue eyes flashing. “Shouldn’t those who have done a crime be punished? Isn’t it the rule in your world?”

“I didn’t do anything to you,” I exclaimed. “We were friends.”

“Friends?” He laughed cruelly. “Friends don’t do what you did… They don’t run away. They don’t leave.”

“Is that what you are mad at? I grew up and stopped believing in Santa Claus?” I stabbed my fingers into his chest. “Your feelings are hurt because I stopped playing make-believe?”

“Make-believe?” He snorted, his boots nudging my toes, his body pressing into mine. “Do I feel make-believe to you?” His fingers slid down my arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake. “Was it pretend when my fingers slid deep into your pussy? When you were crying out? Wanting more?”

Heat flamed inside at his blunt words, my cheeks burning with the memory. My body reacted instantly, leaving me wet and yearning Copyright 2016 - 2024