Beauty In Her Madness (Winterland Tale #3) - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,42

thumb dragged along the hem of my boy shorts. “Do you know what I do to trespassers sneaking around where they do not belong?” His breath slithered from my ear down the back of my neck, grazing a sensitive spot, while his fingers glided over the fabric of my underwear. My back arched, desire raking down between my thighs, my body reacting without my control.

His grip tightened on me, his tone fierce.

“I destroy them.”

Chapter 13

Terror, thick and murky, mixed with adrenaline in my bloodstream, heightening my senses.

The clean smell of pine and snow wrapped around me. The cold burned my body in flames, the depth of his voice making my bones tremble and buzz like someone threw me from slumber into snow.

I was alert, awake, angry, and slightly confused.

“Tell me, little one,” he growled, the vibration shivering my flesh. His hand lifted from my mouth, sliding down to my neck. “How did you get down here?”

“Th-the mirrors.” My voice came out raspy and broken.

“So…you remember now, do you?” His hand around my neck tightened, stirring something deep in me, hardening my nipples. “What else do you remember, Dinah?” His thumb rubbed my pulse. A hum thundered from him as he dug in a little harder. “You like that, don’t you?”

“No,” I spat. If Scott had ever grabbed me like this, I would have hit him. I wasn’t into those dominant/subservient sexual games. But wetness seeped from me at the same time my mind berated me. “Let. Me. Go.”

“Telling lies this close to Christmas?” He chuckled, pulling me more firmly into him, my muscles stiffening, feeling him press even farther into me.

Oh, jingle bells...

Hard and throbbing, he pushed against my ass. This man was packed, stuffed, hung like a bulging stocking. My teeth crunched together. Raw desperation to feel him, for him to slip my knickers down and thrust into me whiplashed through my body, drawing up spitting fury.

“Get off me.” I thrashed against him, only to rub against him more in my effort to get away, trying to ignore the cry in my body.

“Stop.” He grunted, his hand on my waist pinning me to him. “You keep doing that, and I’ll find other ways to break you.”

I went still, my head curving enough to peer over my shoulder, his full lips so close to mine. “Against my will? Tells me what kind of man you are.”

“Would it be against your will?” His hand at my waist slid over the cotton of my shorts.

“Yes,” I snarled as I felt myself pulse with need, contradicting the anger bristling from me.

“Really?” His fingers dipped slightly lower, and I sucked through my nose. “It certainly wasn’t earlier this evening. In fact, I think you were begging me for more.”

“That wasn’t real, nor was I acting like myself.”

“Quite the contrary, little Liddell,” he rumbled in my ear, my muscles shaking with the desire to melt into him. “It was especially real, and for once, you were completely yourself.”

“You don’t know anything about me,” I hissed, knocking my shoulders into his chest in a feeble attempt to escape.

“Don’t I?” He slipped under the band of my boy shorts, gliding his fingers just above my clit.





A wave of hunger choked my throat. Raw. Desperate. The intense sensation volleyed a noise from my chest, my breath heaving.

“You’ve gotten good at lying to yourself, burying who you are under rules and restrictions.” He swept closer to my folds, my heart thudding through my ribs. My hips clamoring to open for him kept me immobile, not daring to move. My breath stilled as he inched down, as if he were waiting for me to oppose. I should have been telling him to stop, but my teeth dug into my bottom lip, holding the cry to keep from leaving my tongue. “Fuck, you are so desperate for someone to actually push you. Shatter you into pieces. Break the walls and let you feel alive again. To be yourself. With a passion that consumes.” He glided into me, my lips parting. “Destroys.” My body drowned out my rationality.

“Don’t you, little one? You are so walled up, sex deprived, and bored, you’ve become dead inside.” He continued gliding through me, causing a moan to escape. “Answer me.” He squeezed my throat, hurtling another wave of sensations through me. “Tell me, or I’ll stop.”

“Yes.” The word popped out frantically, my brain hazy and not grasping logic, my body in full control, and it didn’t want Frost to stop. What was happening to me? I Copyright 2016 - 2024