Beauty In Her Madness (Winterland Tale #3) - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,27

his tiny hands, standing higher on Jack’s shoulder. “What do you call me? Or the big guy?”

“Pets,” Blaze shot back.

I saw Frost’s eyes flicker with anger, muscles in his neck tensing.

Oh shit.

“Jack, no!” My reaction was instant, jumping between them, my palms pressing into his chest. Jack sucked in sharply, his eyes darting to my hand then up to me, rage thundering in his eyes, but he didn’t move.

Holy mistletoe…

“Oooooo,” Dor squeaked, his eyes going wide, his fear spearing through me.

My gaze went back to Jack, feeling his chest expand under my palm, radiating with anger.

“Do. Not. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again.” Abhorrence vibrated off him, his eyes flashing. He stepped closer, his mouth a hair from mine. “Jack is dead.”

I swallowed, my heart thumping at my breastbone.

“When I torture you, you will cry out Frost,” he rumbled, puffs of air trailing down my neck. “I want to hear you say it.”

My breath stuck in my throat, keeping my jaw shut.

“Say it,” he growled.

“Frost.” It came out much breathier than I wanted, but something about him terrified me. He was not the boy on the beach anymore.

“Get the fuck off her.” Blaze tried to shove him.

“Stop, both of you!” I twisted, getting fully between them, pushing them back. My hands curved around taut muscles, their ripped torsos flexing under my touch. I could appreciate a toned body, but it had never been important to me. Scott didn’t have any definition, and it never bothered me, though I should stop the spark of desire flaming through me now, the need to explore, to feel every muscle and dip in their physiques. Feel their heat moving in on me, responding to my touch.

I swallowed back the impulse, peering between them, my focus not able to stay on Frost long. Everything about him was intense, raw, rugged, while Blaze was warm, inviting, easy. “Can we not do this right now? I’m holding on to my sanity by a thread.”

“Then let go.” Blaze’s eyebrows curved up at me. “You belong with me here anyway.”

Like a hum of a motorcycle, Frost’s growl vibrated against me, my thighs clenching. He pushed against my hand.

“Don’t tell me. You want her? Shocker,” Blaze sneered, both men stepping into me, while Dor bared his teeth at Blaze.

“I don’t want things like a child.” Frost’s stomach moved under my touch. My hand slipped down his sweater, landing at the top of his jeans and curling around the button. A need I never felt before, to slide my fingers underneath to touch him, ignited icy heat down my vertebrae. His voice rumbled in my ear, “I take.”

“Like you always do.” Blaze scowled, his chest bumping my shoulder.

“Fuck you,” Frost growled.

“You are the reason Mom is gone.” Blaze rolled his shoulders back. “The reason Dinah left us too!”

Frost snarled with lashing vehemence, lurching at his brother.

“Whoa, whoa! Both of you stop!” I slammed my hands into them. “I’m not some toy you can…” I drifted off, something triggering a memory of my fevered dream.


Broken. Lost.

An island of misfit toys.

“What?” Frost’s voice drew my attention back to him. The memories tore at my skin, wanting in, to see my thoughts.

“I don’t know. I had this crazy dream about toys attacking me.” I shook my head. Could you have a dream within a dream? “They were everywhere, broken and forgotten.”

“What?” Frost stepped back, his shoulders rising, lifting Dor.

“They were so sad, angry. Heartbroken. As I went deeper, they stopped following me, and I went to this other place...” There was a gap in my memory—a blank spot in my mind after walking away from the toys.

“No. There’s no way.” Blaze shook his head, his eyes on his brother. “She was here the whole time.”

“Her mind wasn’t.” Frost’s tone coated my body in ice.

“She wouldn’t be able to even recall her name if she went there. It would have shredded her.”

“Maybe she had no sanity left to destroy?” Dor shrugged. “I mean, look at her outfit. She’s not totally sitting on her rocker.”

“How is it possible she went there?” Blaze ignored Dor, his question pointed at his brother.

“Better question, brother, is why was she there?”

“Where?” I flipped between them. “What are you guys talking about?”

“The Land of the Lost and Broken.” Frost’s gaze leveled with mine. “A place where you go in and don’t come out. Not sane, anyway.”

“What he means, frosted flake, is if you came out of there, you’d be barking into your ass right now.” Dor motioned to me. “A cooked goose.”

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