Beauty In Her Madness (Winterland Tale #3) - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,22

recite a full monologue at the drop of a hat. “There’s more of gravy than of grave about you.”

“You doubt your senses?” A man’s voice, low and sexy, resounded behind me, causing my spine to jolt, my lungs hitching as I spun around.

The beautiful blond man from my dream stood in front of me, looking very real and even more beautiful. A cheeky smile curved the side of his face, and his seafoam green eyes burned into me. He wore only red and green swim trunks, his tan, broad, toned chest on display. He was at least six foot one, and his trim waist, cut arms, and toned thighs were the stuff of magazine covers.

“Oh god,” I mumbled.

“Blaze, actually, but you can call me anything you’d like.” He winked, causing a flutter in my stomach. “Good to have you back again, Dinah. I’ve missed you.”

The blot of mustard was seriously hot!

Chapter 8

“Missed me?” His words finally sank in, bringing me back from my stupor. I had been hearing that a lot lately. “What do you mean?”

“You have forgotten.” He dipped his head. “Growing up in Earth’s realm seems to rob people of their greatest attribute…an imagination. Seems quite dreary there.”

“Earth’s realm? What do you mean by that?”

“Cranberry colada?” A sandman slid up to me, shoving a tray of red frozen drinks at me, his seashell mouth pulling up in a wide grin.

I stared at the sand snowman in wonder, every detail crisp and vivid. Dreams usually had a hazy feel to them. But I could see every grain of sand that made up his three tiers. He had a carrot nose, tree branch arms, huge green sunglasses, a red-and-green flower lei around his neck, and a red Santa hat on his head.

“They’re delicious. Quin is behind the bar today.” The sandman held it closer to my face. “The best bartender in Winterland.”

“Though it’s not winter here,” Blaze grumbled to himself. “The whole world doesn’t revolve around a snowy Christmas. Why would anyone want snow when they can surf, sand, and wear shorts while drinking frozen drinks in the warm sun?”

Even though half of Earth was in summer during December, our world had promoted the northern hemisphere’s ideas of the holiday. A day playing in the snow, snuggling by a crackling fire in a blanket, consuming warm, decadent foods and drinks, with a glowing Christmas tree next to you. It was how I grew up, and I loved it, but I knew many people who went to Hawaii to get away from the icy temperatures in Connecticut.

“Quin is a magician. You should try it.” Blaze nodded at the tray.

I peered between the surfer stud and the talking sandman.

“Why the hell not,” I snorted, grabbing the curvy glass and plucking the red-and-green paper umbrella from it. “Can’t get weirder than this.”

Sucking down the beverage, the taste of juicy cranberries hit my mouth like an orgasm. “Oh my god,” I moaned, taking another long pull. It tasted sweet, with a dash of tart, the cranberries like whipped clouds dancing on my tongue. It was the creamiest of desserts, but still light, refreshing, and utterly scrumptious, making your mouth beg for more.

“I have never tasted anything so good.” Licking my lips, I sucked down the rest, the straw protesting the empty bottom. “Is there more?”

Blaze’s smile grew bigger, making it feel as if the sun got brighter. Was my head already spinning? I normally didn’t drink much alcohol, but I did enough not to get drunk off one drink.

“Of course.” His palm touched my lower back, the butterflies darted around my stomach in panic, as he moved us across the sand to a wooden bar. “Be careful, wahine, Quin’s coladas have been known to let the mind go free.”

My mind seemed to already have left the premises.

“Quin, two more cranberry coladas.” Blaze leaned on the tiki bar, his body bending to me.

A penguin the size of a toddler jumped onto a box, making her even with us. She wore a red-and-white striped bikini top, hula skirt, and a red flower on her head.

“Sure thing, handsome,” she chirped, her voice girly and light.

“Oh holy night.” I sucked in, stepping back, my mouth dropping open.

“Now you sound more like the girl I used to know.” Blaze laughed, though I couldn’t drag my attention from the cartoonish penguin behind the bar. She looked far more like the cutesy image of a penguin you see on wrapping paper than a real one.

Quin’s fins swept up liquor bottles, twirling Copyright 2016 - 2024