Beauty in Breeches - By Helen Dickson Page 0,17

the death of her mother following so soon on her father’s suicide, the deep, dark void of hollowness and sorrow was complete.

Wounded and angry, she could not even begin to imagine the desperation that had driven her father to part with his ring, but as she stared down at it she swore she would make Lord Chadwick pay most dearly for what he had done to her. She would not rest until she had retrieved everything her father had lost to Julius Chadwick. Nothing would stand in her way after she had come this far.

The dew was still on the grass when Beatrice headed for the stables the next morning with her riding crop tucked underneath her arm. She arrived to a great fuss of excitement. She had done as her aunt had said and thought good and hard about the wager, but it had made no difference. Her mind was made up. Respect was everything to her aunt and what her niece was doing would have a damaging effect on her own standing in society, but in the end nothing was changed. Beatrice would not back out now.

Everyone had heard about the race and had come to watch. Major had been brought out of his stable and tacked up. The stable lad was giving his powerful haunches and glossy neck one last polish. He was by the mounting block, arching his neck and pawing the ground, waiting for his mistress.

The groom knew of her aversion to the side saddle and that she preferred the masculine way of riding astride, so Major had been tacked up appropriately. No one was surprised to see Beatrice wearing her breeches, for it was a familiar sight.

As spry as a young athlete, she swung herself up on to Major’s back as George rode towards her.

‘Is it all arranged?’ she asked him as they rode together out of the stable yard, her horse so fresh and eager that she had to hold him in check.

‘I have planned the route to your satisfaction, I hope.’ Of an understanding nature, George glanced sideways at her, his brow creased with a worried frown. ‘I’m sorry Astrid cannot watch the race. I know how much she wanted to, but I’m afraid Mama is incensed by your acceptance of Lord Chadwick’s wager and has forbidden her to attend.’

Unmoved, Beatrice looked straight ahead. With his shock of fair hair and bright blue eyes, many were the times when she had thanked God for her fun-loving, easy-mannered, handsome cousin. He had been her friend for as long as she could remember, and she really didn’t know how she would have coped without him. She would never forget the lack of welcome at Standish House from Aunt Moira, and things had not improved. She had soon learned that her aunt’s love was reserved solely for her own children and that there was none for her.

‘I am sorry that Astrid cannot watch the race, George—I know how much she wanted to. I am also sorry about the way Aunt Moira feels about me, but I cannot change that.’ At these words George glanced at her. How typical of him to be concerned for her, she thought. She smiled to reassure him and said, ‘Don’t worry, George, I’ve grown used to it. As for the wager, it is done and too much is at stake for me to pull out now. Besides, I would not give Lord Chadwick the satisfaction. How much do you know about him?’

‘Not much, as it happens. I only met him myself when he arrived back in London—from India, I believe. He is very rich, but there was a time when his family were destitute. Equipped with a clever mind, through his own endeavours and gambling everything on a series of investments, which paid off for him again and again, he brought his family out of penury.’

‘If he used the same gambling methods he used on my father, then I do not care for them. It does him no credit,’ Beatrice retorted bitterly, at the same time grudgingly impressed by his success. ‘I suppose if he’s as rich as all that, then there’s little wonder people court his favour.’

‘They do, but his success has come at a price. Some years ago tragedy hit his family—I’m not sure of the details. Because of it and to guard his privacy, he spends most of his time abroad.’

‘I see. Tell me about the circuit.’

‘It will start and end at the gate in the lower Copyright 2016 - 2024