Beautifully Unfinished - Holly C. Webb



The very first time she met Riley Jones, Lucy Chance knew that her life would never be the same again. She had just moved to the sleepy town of River Springs from the craziness that was New York City.

Her dad had taken the job as Police Chief there, after almost twenty years as a New York City cop. He wanted to spend more time with Lucy after her Mom died in a car accident the summer before.

It was the first day of senior year, the day she met Riley. She had gotten lost, and he had helped her find her first class, which turned out to be his first class too.

Lucy was a quiet, but very bright girl, who knew her mind. She was so different compared to most of the other girls at River Springs High School, and that’s what Riley liked the most about her.

Riley was the star quarterback on the school football team and the most popular boy at school. Every girl wanted to be with him, so this made Lucy very unpopular, but she didn’t care, she had Riley and nothing else mattered.

They spent every waking minute together. Riley was the love of her life and her best friend.

When he asked her to go with him to the big end of season party, to celebrate the football team winning the championship, she agreed, though something in the pit of her stomach told her that it was a big mistake. She knew she didn’t fit in with that circle, and that the party wouldn’t be as much fun for her, but she loved Riley, so she went for his sake.

The party was at the coach’s house, and it was wild. Lucy felt like a fish out of water. Riley tried to be with her as much as he could, but being the star of the team and the scorer of the championship’s winning touchdown, he was being pulled in a hundred different directions.

So, Lucy found a nice quiet corner to sit while she waited patiently for Riley as she tried her hardest not to look as bored as she felt. She sat drinking a soda and got lost in her head playing moving party guest, as she blinked her eyes closed one at a time, over and over again.

“Hi there,” a voice said suddenly, startling her. Lucy looked up and saw the most perfect pair of brown eyes staring down at her from beneath a head of thick, blonde hair. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Lucy replied, giving him the usual well-rehearsed answer.

“Now, is that really fine?” He asked with a smile that made his eyes twinkle as he sat down next to her. “Or is it, I don’t want to be here, I’m having a horrible time, leave me the hell alone, fine?”

“Is it that obvious?” Lucy said with a sigh, but couldn’t help but smile.

“Only because I feel the same way,” the guy replied. “This isn’t really my thing either.”

“Then why did you come?” Lucy asked as she gave him a questioning look.

“It’s a long story,” he chuckled. “I’m Tucker Flynn, by the way.”

“Lucy,” she replied with a smile.

“I know who you are,” he said as he held her gaze, before he added, “My cousin Mike is on the football team with Riley.”

“I see,” Lucy nodded forcing a smile.

“Not his biggest fan I see,” Tucker laughed as Lucy blushed. It was true, she and Mike were not particularly close. The truth was, Lucy didn’t care for anyone on the football team, except for Riley. They didn’t believe Lucy was good enough for their star quarterback, and they never tried to hide their feelings. The fact that most of their girlfriends didn’t really like Lucy either hadn’t helped her case any.

Still, Lucy didn’t care what they thought, what Riley thought about her was all that mattered to her, and he loved her.

“Is it wrong that I think he is a jackass too?” Tucker whispered, surprising Lucy and she couldn’t help but giggle.

“He is your cousin,” Lucy replied in a whisper.

“And,” Tucker replied with a cheeky grin. “Doesn’t mean I have to like him. Doesn’t mean I have to like any of these assholes.”

“Then why are you here?” Lucy asked, giving him a surprised look.

“Because I’m new in town,” Tucker shrugged, and for a split second, Lucy could see a look of sadness in his eyes. “My folks are getting divorced. Me and my mom moved here a couple of weeks ago and are staying with my aunt until Copyright 2016 - 2024