Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,84


And then she walked right out the door, putting her mom and that part of her life out of her mind forever. She would never, ever, come back here.

Her baby was alive. She had to find him—or was it a her? She fumbled in her purse for her phone and called Lucien, but his phone went to voice mail. Her next call was to Ember.

“Hey, Darcy.”

“Can I get your uncle’s number?”

“Yeah. Is everything okay?”

“It will be.”

Josh O’Donnell’s office was in the Bronx. A simple green shingle hung over the door. Darcy saw him as soon as she entered and didn’t miss the look of contrition in his gaze.

“Darcy.” He gestured to a chair. “Please have a seat.” He studied her a minute before he said, “I’m sorry about before. I tried—”

Darcy cut him off. “I need your help.”

He saw how worked up she was and immediately switched gears. “What can I do?”

“My baby is alive.”

His shock couldn’t be feigned. “What? How do you know that?”

Anger toward her mom burned through her, but she reined in her temper. “My mom was paid off to lie to me. She doesn’t know who it was, but she didn’t care since the incentive was liquor. I’m guessing it was the same man who came to me that day.” She reached into her purse for the vodka receipt. “I think this order was placed by whoever took my baby. I don’t know if it will help, but . . .”

“Any information, no matter how small, is helpful. Do you think you would recognize the man who came to see you if you saw him again?” Josh asked.

“He ruined my life. You bet I’d fucking recognize him.”

“Sorry again,” Josh said, which immediately made Darcy feel repentant.

“No, I’m sorry. It isn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, well I was the messenger.” He took out a notebook. “Give me all the details you can remember and I’ll get on it immediately.”

Tears filled her eyes and her breath hitched. “Thank you.”

Darcy went to Allegro to find Lucien. He wasn’t answering his cell and she needed to tell him the news about their child. But a walk through the bar showed that he wasn’t there. Tara was working, so Darcy stopped at the bar and waited to get her attention to find out how long ago Lucien had left and if he’d happened to mention where he was going.

A group of women entered and settled at the bar next to her.

“I wonder if he’s here tonight. I haven’t seen him in a while. I heard he has a girlfriend now.”

“Lucien? He doesn’t strike me as the monogamous type. Man, I hope he isn’t, anyway. That man knows his way around a woman’s body.”

“Fucking straight.”

“Hell, maybe his girlfriend is into threesomes.”

Darcy felt her temper stir and jealousy burn through her.

“Hey, Darcy. You want a drink?”

“Do you know where Lucien is? He isn’t answering his phone.”

“He was heading home. His phone battery died, so he was going to stop on the way home to buy a new one.”

When she reached his building, she suddenly felt out of her depth at the sight of the place because it was so posh. The cab door was opened by an elderly gentleman.

“Evening, miss.”


He held the door open and silently waited for her to climb out.

“Who are you here to see?”

“Lucien Black.”

“Please, this way.”

He led her inside and Darcy was taken aback by the beauty of Lucien’s apartment building. She stood by the marble concierge desk while the man who had escorted her into the building spoke to another man who sat behind the desk.

“He’ll call Mr. Black for you,” the elderly man said before he started back toward the door. “Have a nice evening, miss.”

“Thank you.” Darcy had just gotten the words from her mouth when the gentleman behind the desk lifted the receiver to his ear. A minute later he said, “Mr. Black. I have a . . .”

He looked at Darcy who immediately said, “Darcy MacBride.”

“A Darcy MacBride to see you. Right away.” He hung up the receiver. “Take that elevator there up to the top.”

Darcy started away from him. “Thank you.”

When the gilded, be-chandeliered elevator opened, she felt her confidence slipping further. She knew Lucien was a wealthy man, but she hadn’t appreciated just how wealthy until that moment.

The elevator door opened into the penthouse, and standing in the private entrance hall was Lucien.



He gestured to the living room. “Do you want to sit?”

“Yes . . . no.”

His eyebrow rose and he tilted his head Copyright 2016 - 2024