Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,81

year just to see how you were doing. If I had, maybe you wouldn’t have fallen.”

“Maybe. And you would have stayed; I know you well enough to know that. We’d have our child, but I would never have known if you stayed because you wanted to or because you thought you had to. And I suspect you would have wondered yourself. It was a difficult time—everything happens for a reason.”

He reached across the table for her hand. “No, there wouldn’t have been any question. I would have stayed because, despite how much you’d hurt me, you’re it for me. Always, Darcy. I meant that.”

“Me too.”

He squeezed her hand before he released it and reached for his menu. “Our waitress is circling.”

My dearest love,

It has been two weeks since I held you in my arms. I cannot bear this separation. I need to see you. I cannot focus on my work or my family because all of my thoughts are with you. You must put me out of my misery and agree to be my wife. Please, my love. I know what I ask, how much you would have to give up, but I am lost without you.

Yours always,



You must marry me now. Can you not see that? We will be happy, I promise. Please let me love you. Let me give you the world. I will devote all that I have to you. Give us a chance to have our happily-ever-after.



You win. I will not write again and I will keep my promise. You are making a mistake, and one day I think you will come to realize what you gave up. I hope the life you chose was worth it, worth losing something so absolute. I will never stop loving you and I will watch over you.

As always, your devoted love,


Ember folded up the last letter and felt the tears stinging her eyes. It was heartbreaking, the agony of loving someone but being denied a lifetime with them. What had kept them apart? Clearly there was love on both sides; the fact that the letters were saved was proof that they meant a great deal to the recipient. They looked old, a few decades, she would guess by the discoloration. Whose were they?

She was so focused on the letters that she didn’t notice Trace until he bent down and kissed her. He looked at the letters.

“What are they?”

“Old love letters that I found in the attic at St. Agnes. It’s like a treasure trove. I can’t imagine the number of secrets that attic is hiding.”

She turned into him and pulled him down onto the floor with her. “What are you doing home? I thought you had a class.”

“I asked Carlos to take it.”


“I wanted to see you.” His fingers raked through her hair and he seemed to be following the motion before he asked, “How’s the writing?”

“Good, but I’m trying to decide on one of two directions.” She was nervous when she asked, “Did you read what I sent you?”

“I did.”


“Well . . .”

She felt her heart start to pound with nerves.

“A story about two very unlikely people falling wildly in love.” His eyes looked right into hers and he looked so serious. “I think it’s . . . a little farfetched.”

A grin cracked over his face and humor burned in his eyes as he continued. “I mean, what’s the likelihood that would ever happen? It seems to lack that realism your professor is so fond of.”

Ember’s jaw dropped and Trace touched his thumb to it to close her mouth.

“Holy shit, you’re teasing me. Trace Montgomery has discovered a sense of humor. I need to write this down.”

“I’m learning from you that there are other ways to express how I feel that don’t require getting naked.”

In response, her body clenched since she happened to like, a lot, that he expressed himself by getting naked. So much, in fact, that she was suddenly feeling really warm; but the sentiment was beautiful and she said as much.

And then those eyes went dark as he lowered her to the floor and covered her body with his own.

“That being said, I happen to be a great fan of expressing one’s self naked.”

His fingers were already moving her shirt up just before he pressed a kiss on her belly. He did that often and she loved that even though he was worried, he wanted the baby. He gripped her pants and moved them down her legs, then lifted her Copyright 2016 - 2024