Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,68

and we’ve moved on.”

“If you get tired, just say something and I will kick everyone out of the apartment.”

She moved to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed her lips to his. “I’m fine, but I will tell you when I grow tired.”

“Good.” His hands moved down her body to her hips so he could press her closer, then his mouth settled firmly over hers. It was some time before he released her. Her eyes were still closed when she said, “Definitely finishing this conversation later.”

His grin was cocky when she finally opened her eyes. The kiss was hard and quick. “See you out there,” he said.


An hour later, Trace asked for everyone’s attention. “We’re pregnant.”

Ember’s father lifted her right up off the floor and spun her around, causing her laughter to fill every corner of the apartment.

“I’m going to be an aunt,” Chelsea yelled as she threw herself into Trace. “Auntie Chelsea.”

“And a fine one you’ll make too, little sister.”

“Thanks for coming with me. When the crowd clears, I’ll take you over and introduce you again to Trace. Ember mentioned that you and she already met,” Lucien said to Darcy.

An odd look crossed over Darcy’s face at his comment, and Lucien raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “I was jealous when I saw her.”

“Of Ember—why?”

“She wasn’t your usual type and the thought that you could be serious about her made me jealous.”

“Ember has only ever had eyes for Trace. But I like knowing that you were jealous.”

The eye roll was classic Darcy. “You’re a clown.”

Trace approached Lucien later while Ember talked with Darcy.

“Thanks for coming, and for the rocking horse. Ember actually cried when she saw it. Of course she cries at the drop of a hat these days. Just yesterday she broke down while watching a coffee commercial.”

Lucien laughed. “Congratulations. You must be excited and terrified all at once.”

“I am thrilled, but I don’t know if I’m cut out for fatherhood.” The tone of Trace’s voice revealed more than his actual words.

Lucien put his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“I’ve known you a long time, and I can say without question that you are going to make an excellent father. Look at how you care for Chelsea and Seth. You are not your father, Trace.”

“That’s what Ember keeps saying.”

“Listen to her. She knows what she’s talking about.”

Trace’s gaze moved to Ember just as Lucien’s moved to Darcy. “Darcy’s your Caterpillar, isn’t she?”

Even though the three of them had been at St. Agnes together, Trace and Darcy had never really gotten to know each other. It was years after St. Agnes that Lucien had gotten so drunk he started babbling on about Darcy. He hadn’t been drunk enough, unfortunately, because he remembered his lovesick stupor and so did Trace. “You remember that?”

“Yeah. So what happened?”

“She applied for a job at Allegro and one thing led to another. Now is not the time, but later I’d like to talk with you about Heidi.”

“Why the hell do you want to talk about her?”

“She played a part in what happened between Darcy and me. She knows more than she’s saying.”

Something dark moved across Trace’s face. “Heidi is a scheming bitch, so I can believe just about anything when it comes to her. If she saw an opportunity, she absolutely would take it. I’m guessing since Darcy is here with you that you’ve worked it out.”

“We’re working on it.”

Trace slapped his friend on the back. “I’m happy for you. I always had the sense that she meant to you what Ember has come to mean to me.”

Lucien didn’t even hesitate in his reply. “She does.”

Later Josh approached Lucien. “Can we talk?”


They stepped into the office, which was empty, before Josh turned to Lucien. “The timing sucks, but you’re here and this assignment is not sitting right with me.” He looked down for a minute. “I looked into Darcy like you asked, but you’re with her now so I think it would be best if you just talked with her.”

Lucien was about to agree, but there was something in Josh’s tone that made him pause.

“What did you learn?”

“Something that I think should come from Darcy.”

Immediately Lucien was put on the defensive. Was she keeping something from him? Was she married? Had she been? After the weeks they had just shared, how could she keep anything from him?

“No, tell me.”

“I really think you need to talk with Darcy.”

“Just tell me!” Lucien demanded, his jealousy turning into a living thing.

“There was a baby.”

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