Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,64

to that.”

“I’ll ask the nurse to schedule another ultrasound in two weeks. Take your vitamins, eat well, do some light exercise, and let’s take it a day at a time,” Dr. Cole encouraged.

“Okay, and thank you,” Ember said.

“We’ll see you in two weeks,” Dr. Lipton said right before he and Dr. Cole left the room.

Ember moved to sit up as Trace reached for her clothes.

“Are you worried?” Ember asked as soon as the doctors left. Trace could tell that she was, her fear practically rolling off her in waves.

“Yes, but let’s try not to worry. You heard the doctors. It could all be worry for nothing.” He turned her face to his. “But promise me something.”


“If it comes down to you or the baby, I want you.”


“Ember, promise me.”

He knew the words were hard for her to say, but he also knew that once she gave her word, she would honor it. “I promise.”

He’d never survive losing her—no fucking way. He pushed the thought from his head and tried for levity when he said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s get you dressed. We have cake pops to buy.”

Darcy had started biting her nails. It was a terrible habit, but nerves did that to her. Two weeks after she vowed to tell Lucien about the baby, she still hadn’t. And worse, he was off on a business trip to hear a band that he was considering sponsoring. What the hell was she doing? She knew very well what she was doing; she was procrastinating because she feared she was going to lose him so soon after getting him back in her life. There was a small part of her brain that thought she was being unreasonable, but she couldn’t get herself to listen to that voice of reason. Her fingers were back in her mouth when there was a knock at her door.

She walked to the door, peering out the peephole to see Lucien standing there.

Her heart went into her throat.

She pulled the door open.

His eyes stared boldly into hers and then quite deliberately he moved his gaze down her body.

“When did you—” Her words were cut off when his mouth crushed down on hers. Every cell in her body exploded from the contact as her arms found their way around his neck, even without her conscious thought to do so. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close so that their bodies were pressed tight, the softness of her body molding to the hard planes of his.

“Open your mouth for me,” he demanded against her lips, and she was mindless to do anything but what he asked. As soon as she did, his tongue swept every inch of her mouth. He lifted her and pressed her up against the wall of her apartment, closing her door. She pulled her hands through his hair and wrapped her legs around his waist.

He wanted her, he wanted her naked underneath him. His need was so powerful he almost gave in to it, but they needed to take things slowly this time. With more will than he knew he possessed, he pulled his mouth away. She lowered her head to his shoulder, her breathing unsteady. Her heart pounded against his.

She lifted her head and her brilliant blue eyes were shining with love and desire, something Lucien hadn’t seen in a really long time. His instinct was to hold her closer. A small smile played around her mouth, and the sight of it had him answering with a grin.

“I’ve missed you,” she said.

“Understatement.” And then he took her to the bedroom. When he reached her bed, he dropped her onto it.

“Lucien.” He stopped in midmotion for the blanket and kissed her long and hard. He liked that it took her a few minutes to open her eyes after. He covered her with the blanket just as she asked, “What are you doing?”

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked thoughtful for a minute. “Taking things slowly.” He wanted to be naked and in bed with her, but it was best to be more cautious this time around. And then he said, “I know your feelings for me are keeping you up at night, but you need sleep; you’ve got dark circles under your eyes.”


“But right.”


“Still right.”

“Cocky bastard.”

He pressed his lips to hers. “And right.” He turned serious and brushed her hair from her face. “I don’t want to fuck this up again. I know we had help fucking it Copyright 2016 - 2024