Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,56

he was. She was the reckless type. In the stairwell on the way up, he passed Todd on his way down. He wondered briefly if Todd lived in the building, but then he reached Heidi’s door and immediately dismissed Todd from his thoughts.

She looked genuinely surprised when she opened the door. Who was it she had been expecting? But then, looking in the face of the bitch who’d helped to break him and Darcy up sent his temper soaring.

“Lucien Black, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Heidi, you’re looking as slutty as ever. Still chasing after what you can’t have?”

Her eyes flashed hot, but her voice remained even when she said, “No, I get what I want now.”

“I bet.” He moved into her apartment and noticed that, though it was nicely furnished, the place was filthy.

“Looks a bit like a pig pen. I guess you’re spending too much time in the bedroom.” He looked back at her and eyed her from head to toe before he added, “Probably not making much these days. You’re getting a bit tired around the eyes.”

She snapped. “What the hell do you want?”

“Who put you up to kissing me?”

It took her a minute to understand what he was asking, but then an evil smile curved her lips. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I’m only going to ask you once more.”

She laughed. “Or what?”

He kept his voice even and soft, making the threat all the more frightening. “I’ll find another way to get you to talk. I’ve had a very colorful past and I’ve learned a lot about how to persuade people to tell their secrets. To me you are simply someone who has information I want and I will get it from you in any way necessary.” He stepped closer to her before he added, “With what you cost me, painfully would be preferable.”

Heidi’s eyes widened with fear before she caught herself. He could see the wheels turning in her head and he suspected that telling him what he wanted to know would jeopardize her carefully constructed future plans. His gut knew what she said next would be a lie.

“I don’t know. I never saw him before or since. He gave me a hundred bucks to hold the door open and keep you distracted.”

“But you didn’t live at St. Agnes then.”

“I liked to visit.”

That was bullshit, but he let it pass. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because you’re cynical.”

He grabbed her arm so hard that he knew it was going to bruise, but rage fueled him. She wasn’t going to give him what he wanted. “Hurt me if you must, but I don’t know,” she said.

The door to the apartment opened, which made Lucien release his hold on Heidi. He had been about to issue a threat when a boy walked in. Heidi had been pregnant when she’d first arrived at the orphanage and seeing the boy who was the spitting image of Trace had the threat dying on his tongue.

“Ah fuck.”

“Looks just like his daddy, doesn’t he?” Her words dripped with smugness.

You can’t eat the raw dough, Chelsea.”

“Why not? It’s delicious.”

“Don’t you think it tastes better cooked?”

“I like it both ways.”

Ember grinned in response because she happened to agree. The sound of the front door opening made Chelsea squeal before she took off into a run.

“Trace!” she screamed.

His laughter carried down the hall to Ember, as did the sound of his body crashing against the door. Moments later, Trace entered the kitchen.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey. Where’s Chelsea?”

“Some movie caught her eye.”

“I guess there goes my helper.”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her quite soundly. “What are you making?”

“Chicken pot pie.”

“Nice. I’ll be out to help you in a minute.”

“Okay.” He pressed his lips to hers once more and then turned and walked out of the kitchen. It had been a few days since Ember’s talk with Charles, and over a week since she’d seen Trace with Heidi. She had hoped he would voluntarily share with her what was going on, but so far he hadn’t.

It was more than a little disturbing to learn of the part that Heidi had played in Darcy and Lucien’s past. It seemed that Heidi was an instigator. What was it she held over Trace that kept her on the periphery of his life?

Ten minutes later, Trace had still not returned, so Ember walked back to the bedroom to see what was taking him so long. She reached the office and heard his clipped, angry voice. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but Copyright 2016 - 2024