Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,42

at her feet, which almost made her slide off the stool again. Lucien steadied her. Her gaze moved to his hands.

“Not yours,” Darcy said.

Darcy saw the grin that twisted his beautiful mouth. She wanted to kiss him breathless and actually felt herself moving toward him.

“Not mine what?” There was humor in his tone.

His lips were moving, but she didn’t hear what he said because she was too busy visualizing her tongue in his mouth.



“Not mine what?”

Oh right, hands.

“Your hands are beautiful.”

His expression turned his eyes darker, and the sight of it had the words that were always on the tip of her tongue just tumbling out of her mouth. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

He moved into her so close that she felt the stir of his breath against her mouth. The moment faded fast when the man, Kevin, returned.

“Hey, Darcy.”

She wanted to hit Kevin because she was fairly certain that had he not walked over, her tongue would now be in Lucien’s mouth, but she controlled the urge and smiled. “Hi. Kevin, this is my boss, Lucien. Lucien, Kevin.”

Darcy didn’t see the look Lucien gave her at referring to him as her boss because she was too busy contemplating how else she could have introduced him.

“Are you ready to go home, Darcy? I’ll take you if you are.”

He was sweet, Kevin, and she should go with him, but that was a little difficult to do at the moment because Lucien’s hands were still on her arms. Before she could come up with an excuse, Lucien said, “I’ll take her home. It’s on my way.”

Kevin seemed to have the sense not to argue with her boss. She was fuzzy from the alcohol, but there was a touch of annoyance in her that Lucien was being so high-handed when he was the one who just that morning had drawn such a harsh line in the sand when it came to their relationship.

Kevin was looking at her expectantly, so she said, “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m usually here for a bit every night.”

“It’s a date.” He looked at Lucien as he spoke, issuing a silent challenge. Darcy laughed out loud.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s just my boss. I’m not his type anymore. He can’t forgive me for something I did fourteen years ago. I can’t blame him, but talk about holding a grudge.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Kevin leaned over and pressed a kiss on Darcy’s lips despite the fact that Lucien was hovering over her like a protective mama. He turned and walked away and Darcy grinned.

“Let’s go, Darcy.” Lucien started to reach for her purse, but she stopped him.

“I have to get my bag from my office.”

“I’ll get it,” Lucien said before he looked over at Tara. “Can you watch Darcy for a minute? I’ll be right back.”

“You got it, boss.” She dropped a plate of nachos in front of Darcy.

“Eat this while you wait.”

“Oh, good call.” She was chowing down on chips smothered in cheese when Lucien returned.

“Are you ready?”

She popped the last chip into her mouth and licked her fingers. “Yep.”

He reached for her hand and linked their fingers before calling to Tara. “See you tomorrow.”

“Night, boss. Night, Darcy.”

It was surprisingly cool when they stepped outside. Without having to ask, the valet ran to get Lucien’s car and Darcy wondered what it felt like to have so many people ready to do your bidding.

“What are you thinking?”

She turned her head from him to hide her smile because she was one of those minions willing to do absolutely anything for this man. “Nothing.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I won’t get sick in your car.”

He touched her chin and turned her face to his. “That’s not why I asked. I don’t give a shit about the car.”

“I’ve seen your car. You’re lying.”

He said nothing, but the look he was giving her made her blood boil. Clearly she was hallucinating. She was probably facedown in her bathroom dreaming this entire evening. The dream was very realistic; the sound of Lucien’s car purring like a large wild cat reverberated down the street seconds before the sleek black car came to a stop in front of them.

“Sixty-nine Charger, right?” Darcy asked.

She didn’t miss the flash of pride in his eyes before he said, “Sixty-eight.”

“I imagine it costs a pretty penny to have this car in the city since I’m sure you don’t street-park her.”

He flashed her a smile. “Worth every penny.”

Lucien reached for the door and helped Darcy in, going so far as to Copyright 2016 - 2024