Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,26

for the covers to pull them up over her.

“What are you doing?”

“You should sleep.”

“But I’m not tired.”

His grin was devilish. “You are and dinner won’t be ready for another hour, so take the hour and sleep.”

“I don’t want to sleep, I want you naked and in this bed with me.”

Lust darkened his eyes, but he didn’t waver. “I want that too, but you have dark circles under your eyes.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead that was very chaste before he turned and started from the room. “I’ll wake you.”

He gave her one last look and then closed the door. Words wouldn’t come—Trace had never turned down sex before.

In the morning Ember woke to find herself completely wrapped in Trace. His arm was draped over her stomach, his legs entwined with her own, and her back was pressed up against his chest. He’d never woken her.



“You didn’t wake me.”

He waited a beat too long to reply and she knew he was hedging, but why? “You needed your sleep.”

Somehow she knew there was more to it than her need for sleep and she was about to pry it out of him, but before she could speak, he moved and she felt him, hard and thick, pressing into her butt. She wiggled and he instinctively started moving his hips, rubbing himself against her. His hand found her breast and he fondled her as he pressed a kiss behind her ear.

“Morning,” he whispered.

He moved over her as his clever fingers worked off her panties, and he found her so ready. He pushed his leg between her thighs so he could touch and tease that sensitive nub and, all the while, his hips continued to grind against her. When his finger slipped inside of her, she spread her legs even wider and pressed back into his hard length. He growled low in his throat just as his hands circled her hips and lifted her ass in the air. He was naked and hard when he settled between her legs. His caress was gentle as he moved his fingers over her moist heat before slipping inside her. His other hand moved up her stomach to cup her breast, massaging her aching peak. He rolled her nipple and tugged while his fingers sought deeper penetration. The small part of her brain that was still working couldn’t shake the feeling that he was distracting her, but he was playing her body like a seasoned maestro, which prevented her from forming any coherent reasons for why he wanted her distracted. She felt him pressing against her ass as he ground his hips against her. He worked her until her body was so sensitive, and then he gripped her hips and pushed into her in one long, hard thrust. She cried out as her body spasmed, every nerve ending firing off to send electric jolts racing over her. Her body was still clenching around him when he pulled out of her, and a second later, his tongue was driving into her folds.

“Oh my God, Trace.”

His grip on her hips tightened as his tongue plunged deep, her hips instinctively moving against him. His finger worked the nub between her legs and she was helpless to stop the second orgasm that ripped through her. Her head fell against the pillow, her body went weak with exhaustion. His hands were gentle when he flipped her onto her back, lifted her hips, and sunk deep into her again.

“Stay with me, Ember.”

Her eyes opened, and in his, she saw something that looked an awful lot like guilt, but it was quickly replaced with lust as his hips started to rock back and forth.

“One more time, sweetheart.”

He moved slowly and deliberately; she marveled over how he could control his own release, but he did, working her until she felt her body start that upward spiral again. And when she splintered apart, his body jerked and he roared her name, spilling himself deep inside her.

She couldn’t move and couldn’t think. He had loved her nearly to death.

“Was that too much?”

She couldn’t deny her suspicion that he had intentionally loved her stupid, but she was too exhausted to call him on it and so she replied with a simple, “It was incredible.”

He lifted her from the bed and started to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?”

“I need a shower.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Thought we could conserve resources.”

“My legs don’t work, you’re going to have to hold me up.”

He looked positively wicked when he replied, “That’s the Copyright 2016 - 2024